他们却用属灵的话遮盖他们的罪恶,用底拿作他们作恶的掩护。 i.他们觉得自己是正当的,因为示剑人把他们的妹妹底拿当作妓女对待(《创世记》第34章第31节),但他们为了自己的强暴目的把神所立之约的记号给卖了。 5.(18-24)哈抹和示剑就对那城里的人说,照这话去行吧。 哈抹和他的儿子示剑喜欢这话。那少年...
然而,当雅各的罪使他们脆弱的时候,神的恩典仍然遮盖了他们。 i.雅各和他的家人需要这种保护,因为在示剑的屠杀,迦南人憎恨他们,正如雅各在《创世记》第34章第30节中所担心的那样。 b.他在那里筑了一座坛,就给那地方起名叫伊勒伯特利:虽然雅各犯了罪,但他现在做了神眼中看为正的事。他不顾危险,相信神的保护。
i. Adam Clarke quoted Rabbi Simeon ben Joachi, commenting on the word Elohim:“Come and see the mystery of the word Elohim; there are three degrees, and each degree by itself alone, and yet notwithstanding they are all one, and joined together in one, and are not divided from each othe...
Rosenmüller, Keil), or shall not contend in judgment (arguere, reprehendere; cf.Ecclesiastes 6:10),i.e.strive with a man by moral force (Calvin, Michaelis, Dathe, 'Speaker's Commentary,' Murphy, Bush).With
He served Laban for twenty years, enduring hardship and deceit.2. LabanJacob's uncle and father-in-law, who repeatedly changed Jacob's wages, demonstrating a lack of integrity and fairness.3. Paddan-aramThe region where Laban lived and where Jacob spent twenty years working for him.4. ...
i.以西结书第28章第13-19节告诉我们撒旦曾在伊甸。其他许多章节将蛇或蛇样的生物与撒旦联系在一起(如约伯记第26章第13节和以赛亚书第51章第9节)。启示录第12章第9节和第20章第2节说到龙,就是古蛇,又叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦。 ii.撒旦被描绘成一条蛇,这使得摩西通过举起一条铜蛇来拯救以色列的想法更具挑衅性...
A.以撒犯了跟亚伯拉罕一样的错误。 1.(1)以撒面对饥荒,前往埃及。 在亚伯拉罕的日子,那地有一次饥荒。这时又有饥荒,以撒就往基拉耳去,到非利士人的王亚比米勒那里。 a.那地有一次饥荒:虽然以撒住在神应许给他父亲亚伯拉罕和他子嗣的土地上,但这并不是说那里的生活就没有困难和挑战。亚伯兰的日子有饥荒(《创世...
The invocation of "the God of your father" serves as a reminder of the enduring nature of God's covenant and His active role in the lives of His chosen people. said to meThe phrase "said to me" indicates direct communication from God to Laban, a non-Israelite. This highlights God's ...
This phrase underscores the enduring nature of the consequence, affecting Adam and his descendants throughout their earthly existence. It serves as a sobering reminder of the long-lasting impact of sin and the need for divine intervention. The continuity of this struggle points to the ultimate ...
1.(1-4)拉结心中沮丧,就将她的使女辟拉给雅各,使她与雅各生儿育女。 拉结见自己不给雅各生子,就嫉妒她姐姐,对雅各说,“你给我孩子,不然我就死了。”雅各向拉结生气,说,“叫你不生育的是神,我岂能代替他作主呢?”拉结说,“有我的使女辟拉在这里,你可以与她同房,使她生子在我膝下,我便因她也得孩子(...