河北省农林科学研究院、鲁东大学和成都天成未来生物科技公司等,在Plant Communications杂志上在线发表了题为“Boosting wheat functional genomics via an indexed EMS mutant library of KN9204”的研究论文,建立并系统评价了冬小麦科农9204的EMS突变体库,提出了一种突变体库结合多维组学数据加速小麦功能基因挖掘与调控机制...
EMS/DTS一体化2) Mutant [英]['mju:tənt] [美]['mjutənt] 烷化剂EMS 1. Study on the Method of Mutant Induced by EMS Treating Rice Somatic Callus; 烷化剂EMS处理水稻愈伤组织诱导突变的方法初探3) EMS mutants' library EMS突变体库4) EMS chemical mutation EMS化学诱变...
对照组容重为757.49 g/L, 突变体容重为814.48 g/L,提高了7.52%,但单穗粒质量降低了4.3%,M12164子粒体积缩小。 图5突变体与对照子粒成分对比Fig. 5Comparison of mutant and control grain components 2.4 除草剂抗性 对M12164和D12164植株每5 d涂抹草铵膦溶液,...
Kneen, BE, Rue, TA eds. (1984) EMS derived mutant of Pisum sativum resistant to nodulation. In. Veeger C and Newton WE, eds, Advances in Nitrogen Fixation Research. Nijhoff/ Junk, The HagueKneen BE and LaRue TA. 1984. EMS derived mutant of Pisum sativum resistant to nodulation. In. ...
Among these, eight rapid growing, dark green mutant strains viz. D1, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, and D14 were selected and compared for growth rates, dried biomass, total lipids, carbohydrate yields and chlorophyll a fluorescence with WTSynechocystis. Finally, two fast-growing mutants, ...
The commonly used chemical mutagen EMS (ethylmethane sulfonate) was employed to create a mutant collection by treating the encysted zoospores of Phytophthora sojae and the spore germination was used to optimize the mutagenes...
EMS Mutagenesis of Arabidopsis
Identification of Wheat M_2 Mutantions Induced by EMS; EMS诱导小麦M_2代突变的鉴定2. The Mutantion of Wheat Induced by EMS and Identification and Screening of Mutantion; EMS诱导小麦突变及突变的鉴定和筛选3. The Bioresearch of Resisting Stem Rotten and the Mutant Bolting Induced by EMS of ...
The commonly used chemical mutagen EMS (ethylmethane sulfonate) was employed to create a mutant collection by treating the encysted zoospores of Phytophthora sojae and the spore germination was used to optimize the mutagenesis condition. A total of 640 single-oospore mutant lines were acquired, among...
One mutant appears to be mutated at the B locus, suggesting that an EMS-induced mutation of B can be sufficient to abolish annual bolting. Co-segregation analysis in four populations indicates that the genetic control of bolting also involves previously unknown major loci not linked to B, o...