NGM - Next-generation EMS mutation mapping - DescriptionEms, NextgenerationAnalyzer, Illumina Genome
Research on Applying Stem Segment in Vitro of Tetraploid Potato Variety in EMS Mutation; 马铃薯四倍体栽培种茎段组织的EMS诱变研究 7. Establishment of the Higher Efficient System for Plant Regeneration of Paspalum Notatum Flgge and Preliminary Study on EMS Induced Mutation Technology; 百喜草高效再生...
sojae mutants. Thus, the estimated maximum frequency of EMS induced mutation is 1 per 115kb of sequence. The created P. sojae mutant collection will be useful for functional genomic analysis of P. sojae. 展开 关键词...
image An overview of the experimental design of forward genetics screening and detection of causal mutation by mapping-by-sequencing in tomato. 看了上面的流程示意图,是不是非常清晰明了?对测序数据的分析也是一点都不繁复。 image Two-step bioinformatics pipeline foranalysis of whole-genome sequencing data...
首个西瓜T2T参考基因组和EMS饱和突变体库 近日,北京大学现代农业研究院、潍坊现代农业山东省实验室张兴平团队和何航团队合作在Molecular Plant杂志在线发表了题为“A telomere-to-telomere gap-free reference genome of watermelon and its mutation library provide important resources for gene discovery and breeding”...
The mutation frequency was determined to be approximately one per 20,000 bp. All the 70 selected salt-tolerant lines were tested for root growth in the laboratory, and under saline field conditions in Bangladesh. The results showed that all the lines selected for tolerance showed a better ...
genomic makeupmicroenvironment(基因组组成微环境);inflammation(炎症),metabolites(代谢),highmutation frequency(高突变),epithelialcell(上皮),malignant epithelialcell恶性上皮细胞,stromal(基质细胞) cell,ARID1A:卵巢癌发病基因,PIK3CA...
5、ct of EMS utilization in research of corn genetic and breeding was also pointed out.Key words:EMS ;Induced Mutation Technique ;Corn ;New germplasm*收稿日期 :2008-11-13作者简介:安伟(1975-,男,山西代县人 ,助研,主要从事玉米遗传育种工作。Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences山西农业科学 2008,...
关键词 : 纤维亚麻 ;EMS 诱变 ;盐胁迫 ;正交实验 ;理化特性 DOI :10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2016.06.015 Orthogonal Test of EMS Mutation and NaCl Stress and Screening of Salt-tolerant Fiber Flax Germplasm in Vitro WANG Wei-guo DENG Qian JI Qiao-ling WANG Wei (...
leaf color and leaf shape variation. Based on the consideration of semi-lethal rate and the mutagenic effect of M1, the 0.6% EMS and 12 h are suitable EMS mutagenic condition for broccoli seeds. This result provides a reference for carrying out related research work on EMS mutation breeding ...