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COMSOL 培训资料 eigenmodes_of_room
It is well known that a Helmholtz resonator can effectively reduce amplitude of sound pressure at the first resonant frequencies due to damping of room eigenmodes. This paper presents a method for sound control in the room by a monopole secondary source which impedance can be matched by means ...
Room modes calculator calculate all three modes apps eigenmodes eigenfrequencies formula frequency rectangular room control room standing waves room acoustic node equation - Eberhard Sengpiel sengpielaudio
CODECAPI_AVEncDDProductionRoomTypeEigenschaftswertDer Wert dieser Eigenschaft ist ein Element der eAVEncDDProductionRoomType-Enumeration .BemerkungenDer Raumtyp bezieht sich auf die Größe des Raums, der während der Produktion verwendet wird. Wenn Sie diese Eigenschaft festlegen, legen Sie ...
HMRoom.Name EigenschaftReferenz Feedback DefinitionNamespace: HomeKit Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll Ruft den Namen des Raums ab. C# Kopieren public virtual string Name { [Foundation.Export("name")] get; } Eigenschaftswert String Attribute ExportAttribute Gilt für: ProduktVersionen Xamarin iOS...
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Lippold, R.Acta Acustica United with AcusticaR. Lippold. Numerical solution of the acoustic eigenvalue equation in the rectangular room with respect to boundaries between modes. Acustica, 83 (1997) 530-534 (in German).
Numerical solution of the acoustics eigenvalue equation in the rectangular room with arbitrary (uniform) wall impedances - BISTAFA, MORRISSEY - 2003S. R. Bistafa and J. W. Morrissey, "Numerical solutions of the acoustic eigenvalue equa- tion in the rectangular room with arbitrary (uniform) ...