eigen-mobility,eigenmode,eigenperiod,eigenpolynomial,eigenresolution,eigenroot,eigenspace,eigenstate,eigentone,eigentones, 英汉-汉英词典 本征根 用户正在搜索 bait and switch,baitandswitch,bait-and-switch,baitfish,baiting,baits,BaiYi ScrollBar,baiyuneboite,baiza,baize, ...
相似单词 eigenroot 本征根 最新单词 beatification的中文意思 n. 授福,受福,列福式 beatific的中文释义 a. 祝福的,幸福的,快乐的 beater是什么意思 n. 打的人,赶出猎物的人,搅拌器 beat-up的中文意思 a. 破旧的 beat的中文翻译及音标 n.[C] 1.打,敲打声,拍子 2.(心脏等的)跳动(声) 3.滴答...
eigenroot 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 AI解释 词组搭配 全文检索 英汉-汉英词典 征根 用户正在搜索 jeremiad,Jeremiah,Jeremias,Jeremy,Jeremy Bentham,Jerez,Jerez de la Frontera,jerfalcon,Jericho,jerid, 相似单词 eigen-mobility,eigenmode,eigenperiod,eigenpolynomial,eigenresolution,eigenroo...
Yan, Root-finding with Eigen-solving, in: Dongming Wang, Lihong Zhi (Eds.), Symbolic- Numerical Computation, Birkhauser, Basel, Boston, 2007, pp. 219-245.V.Y. Pan, D. Ivolgin, B. Murphy, R.E. Rosholt, Y. Tang, X. Wang, X. Yan, Root-finding with eigen-solving, in: Dongming...
Basis properties of the root functions of an eigenvalue problem with a spectral parameter in the boundary conditions have been reported. It is well known that the problems of the vibrations of a homogeneous loaded string, torsional vibrations of a rod with pulleys at its ends, heat transfer in...
Unitary Root-MUSIC with a Real-Valued Eigendecomposition: A Theoretical and Experimental Performance Study - Pesavento, Gershman, et al. - 2000 () Citation Context ...assumption and have a narrow scope of applicability. Recently, several techniques have concentrated on reducing the computational ...
eigenroot [美[eɪdʒen'ru:t]] eigenroot的意思、解释 本征根 更多
In addition, resonance and eigen-oscillation involve reactive power, which is not related to energy, because the transient response of the circuit using a unit element is closely related to the phases expressed by the z-transform. We also numerically show that the reactive power is confined in ...
Binding, P., Curgus, B.: Riesz bases of root vectors of indefinite Sturm-Liou- ville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions. II. Integral Equ. Oper. Theory 63, 473-499 (2009)Binding, PA, Browne, PJ, Watson, BA (2000) Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville ...
The calculation of system eigenvalue sensitivity in impedance models is further developed, which fills the gaps of previous research and establishes a complete theory of impedance-based root-cause analysis. The theoretical relationships and the tuning of parameters have been illustrated with a three-...