书籍并非《经济学人》的主打产品,但《经济学人》也出版过不少畅销书,例如前面提到的 The Economist Style Guide 就是《经济学人》的“best-seller”;此外,还很多其他的“指南”,如 Economics: An A-Z Guide 和 Guide to Investment Strategy,也颇受欢迎。 经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit (The ...
Books & arts即“书籍和艺术”,多为新书推介,也会介绍不为大众所知的艺术。Economic & financial ind...
Meanwhile, this week I’ve read one of the best books so far about the drama of China’s journey – in my lifetime – from the brutality of the Cultural Revolution to the cultural and political as well as economic and social tensions of a society whose average living standards have double...
It is supplemented by its sister lifestyle magazine, 1843, and a variety of podcasts, films, and books.【参考译文】《经济学人》创刊于1843年,最初由苏格兰经济学家詹姆斯·威尔逊发行,旨在动员支持废除英国的谷物法(1815-1846年),即一种进口关税制度。随着时间的推移,该报的报道范围进一步扩大,涉及zheng4 ...
The best books of 2011 were about China, Congo, Afghanistan, Charles Dickens, Vincent van Gogh, the "Flora Delanica", Jerusalem, Mumbai’s dance bars, quantum physics, sugar, orgasms, blue nights, two moons and other people’s money ...
3. America’s new aristocracy January 24th | Leader Privilege in America is increasingly passed from parent to child. The clever and successful are marrying each other more than ever before, an “assortative mating” process thought to ...
The best news of the day. 791 days after he protested the Ethiopian government for his#Oromopeople while crossing the finish line at the 2016 Olympics, Feyisa Lilesa has returned home to Ethiopia. Photo:@Abdynoorpic.twitter.com/5aejtr9vfh ...
It’s made the New Scientist list of best books to look out for in 2025. Posted in Main Page Post navigation ← Older posts Newer posts → About the Enlightened Economist Diane Coyle is Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge and founded the consultancy Enlightenment...
SFI is of course the best-known centre for the study of complexity across disciplinary boundaries, and its work on economics is always at least intriguing and often far more. Like any collection of essays this is a mixed bag. One striking feature is how much more focused the later ones bec...
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