来自The Economist best Books of the year 2023, Atlantic best books of 2023, Fresh Air 2023 top 10 books, Slate 10 best books of 2023, Esquire the 20 best books of 2023等年底书单 部分跟之前分享的Financial Times的书单有重合,几个年底书单也有部分相互重合 这里遴选一部分分享给大家 全是Epub版本 ...
1.EVEN with the best will in the world—which, in 2014, has not been conspicuouslyforthcoming—...
For 2023, a few newcomers have emerged, while many mainstays from previous years are present as well. Like previous years, we’ve done our best to capture the blogs which stand out for their quality rather than their popularity. As such, the list is an eclectic group that represents a wid...
From the obituary of Dr Spock: "It was, on the face of it, an odd book to have become one of the bestsellers of the century. The one endeavour the human race was used to, and indeed had become quite good at, was having babies and bringing them to adulthood." Wrap-Up I hope thi...
For 2023, a few newcomers have emerged, while many mainstays from previous years are present as well. Like previous years, we’ve done our best to capture the blogs which stand out for their quality rather than their popularity. As such, the list is an eclectic group that represents a wid...
Meanwhile, this week I’ve read one of the best books so far about the drama of China’s journey – in my lifetime – from the brutality of the Cultural Revolution to the cultural and political as well as economic and social tensions of a society whose average living standards have double...
Choosing the right subject is crucial to boosting earning power. Negative returns are likeliest for Britons who study creative arts (less than 10% of men make a positive return), social care and agriculture (see chart 2). By far the best-earning degrees in America are in engineering, comput...
The best books of 2011 were about China, Congo, Afghanistan, Charles Dickens, Vincent van Gogh, the "Flora Delanica", Jerusalem, Mumbai’s dance bars, quantum physics, sugar, orgasms, blue nights, two moons and other people’s money ...
An editor-curated feed of The Economist’s best articles from the weekly print edition, featuring authoritative reporting from around the world. 15 articles per week, with photos and graphics as available. Three articles per week are also available in Spanish. Special Reports Packages that offer...
But then one of my books received the Gourmand international award for Best Wine Writing. I don’t know what to say. Looking ahead, there is a lot of work left to be done and Sue and I are looking forward to more adventures and the opportunity to meet and get to know interesting ...