Even though it was controversial when it was published, it has become one of the most-read economics books in the world and has been published in more than 20 languages. The book continues to feature on university reading lists, and every established economist knows Hayek inside and out. “A...
Ben Horowitz, entrepreneur and cofounder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, tackles challenges most business books avoid. InThe Hard Thing About Hard Things, he draws from his own experience to address the tough parts of running a business: handling failure, managing team conflicts, making...
Embrace and enjoy the new normal with these newly released biographies, novels, and self-improvement books. Books are one of the best ways to embrace the unknown and rethink the future. During the pandemic, we spend at home more time than ever – a perfect chance to read the books that m...
But as a piece of reportage, it’s an extraordinary achievement.” Read more... Best Nonfiction Books of 2016 Stephanie Flanders, Economist Buy now Listen now The Fall by Albert Camus Read expert recommendations “This is my absolute favourite novel by Camus. It’s very short…One of ...
Free eBook: 24 Essential Books for Researchers in 2024 1. Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters By Richard Rumelt What better place to start than the fundamental differences between winning and losing strategies? UCLA professor and revered strategy legend, Richard Rumelt, br...
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Apple Books | $12.99Amazon Kindle The Fate of Africa A History of the Continent Since Independenceby Martin Meredith The definitive story of African nations after they emerged from colonialism -- from Mugabe's doomed kleptocracy to Mandela's inspiring defeat of apartheid. The Fate of Africa has ...
Before investing in options, it is important that investors fully understand what options are to minimize the risk involved in options trading. There are numerous books and online resources an investor can use to become familiar with options.
Thomas Sowell: A Misunderstood Economist Christian Men's Devotional Thoughts For Men: 100 Short Devotions To Fortify Gospel Thinking Travel Time, Beauty, and Grief: A Hike Through Wisconsin’s 50 State Parks Young Adult Twice Removed Canine Health Care ...
BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR • SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE • KIRKUS PRIZE WINNER In development as a feature film to be produced by Steven Spielberg • A Best Book of the Year: The New York Times Book Review, LA Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Economist, TIME, and more...