获评《经济学人》2024年度最佳的15部影片(The best films of 2024, as chosen by the Economist) cliff的英语视界 英美主流报刊阅读4 人赞同了该文章 “All of Us Strangers”In the year’s most tender and intimate film, a lonely screenwriter (Andrew Scott) visits his childhood home and meets the ...
Books In her first best selling book,Get Your Fats Straight, Sarah quickly identifies how the low-fat movement got its start and the devastating health effects it is having on people in our society today. She beats back the arguments… ...
An editor-curated feed of The Economist’s best articles from the weekly print edition, featuring authoritative reporting from around the world. 15 articles per week, with photos and graphics as available. Three articles per week are also available in Spanish. Special Reports Packages that offer...
The best soy sauce substitutes to buy, including how to make a simple and healthy version at home in minutes using four whole food ingredients. While … View RecipeBest Soy Sauce Substitutes The Truth About the Bird Flu Vaccine (AUDENZ) ...
It’s made the New Scientist list of best books to look out for in 2025. Posted in Main Page Post navigation ← Older posts Newer posts → About the Enlightened Economist Diane Coyle is Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge and founded the consultancy Enlightenment...
Meanwhile, this week I’ve read one of the best books so far about the drama of China’s journey – in my lifetime – from the brutality of the Cultural Revolution to the cultural and political as well as economic and social tensions of a society whose average living standards have double...
Daniel Susskind is a Research Professor in Economics at King's College London and a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Ethics in AI at Oxford University. He is the co-author of the best-selling book, The Future of the Professions. He is an
Books & arts Economic & financial indicators Graphic detail Obituary The world this week即“本周...
However, this app design is another step backwards from the time Economist had the best reading app in the entire ecosystem. Please reintroduce clarity, overview and the swiping of pages like in digital books. Scrolling does not allow for a proper reading experience. I dare you to do a test...
SFI is of course the best-known centre for the study of complexity across disciplinary boundaries, and its work on economics is always at least intriguing and often far more. Like any collection of essays this is a mixed bag. One striking feature is how much more focused the later ones bec...