研究结果反映了内毒素对肠黏膜屏障作用的调控机制,为深入了解肠黏膜免疫屏障功能提供了思路。相关内容发表在 Frontiers in Immunology 期刊题为“Endotoxins Induced ECM-Receptor Interaction Pathway Signal Effect on the Function of MUC2 in Caco2/HT29 Co-Culture Cells”。 HT-29细胞常用作体外杯状细胞模型,可产生...
研究结果反映了内毒素对肠黏膜屏障作用的调控机制,为深入了解肠黏膜免疫屏障功能提供了思路。相关内容发表在 Frontiers in Immunology 期刊题为“Endotoxins Induced ECM-Receptor Interaction Pathway Signal Effect on the Function of MUC2 in Caco2/HT29 Co-Culture Cells”。
研究结果反映了内毒素对肠黏膜屏障作用的调控机制,为深入了解肠黏膜免疫屏障功能提供了思路。相关内容发表在 Frontiers in Immunology 期刊题为“Endotoxins Induced ECM-Receptor Interaction Pathway Signal Effect on the Function of MUC2 in Caco2/HT29 Co-Culture Cells”。 HT-29细胞常用作体外杯状细胞模型,可产生...
研究结果反映了内毒素对肠黏膜屏障作用的调控机制,为深入了解肠黏膜免疫屏障功能提供了思路。相关内容发表在 Frontiers in Immunology 期刊题为“Endotoxins Induced ECM-Receptor Interaction Pathway Signal Effect on the Function of MUC2 in Caco2/HT29 Co-Culture Cells”。 HT-29细胞常用作体外杯状细胞模型,可产生...
研究结果反映了内毒素对肠黏膜屏障作用的调控机制,为深入了解肠黏膜免疫屏障功能提供了思路。相关内容发表在Frontiers in Immunology期刊题为“Endotoxins Induced ECM-Receptor Interaction Pathway Signal Effect on the Function of MUC2 ...
而后,GO以及KEGG通路富集分析发现细胞外基质(ECM)受体互作通路(ECM-receptor interaction pathway)显著富集(图2)。并且,整合素家族基因(integrins)作为一种ECM受体,在耐药细胞系中的表达显著提高,说明该基因参与的通路被异常激活。然而,这些整合素是如何发挥功能的呢?研究人员首先聚焦到整合素下游激酶Src和Fak。...
相关内容发表在 Frontiers in Immunology 期刊题为“Endotoxins Induced ECM-Receptor Interaction Pathway Signal Effect on the Function of MUC2 in Caco2/HT29 Co-Culture Cells”。 HT-29细胞常用作体外杯状细胞模型,可产生黏蛋白分泌物,形成细胞外黏液层。Caco-2(人结肠腺癌细胞)结构和功能类似于分化的小肠上皮...
The extracellular matrix–receptor (ECM-receptor) interaction pathway was the most enriched pathway: all genes in this pathway were DEGs, including the THBS family, collagen and fibronectin. These DEGs and the ECM-receptor interaction pathway may perform important roles in breast cancer. Conclusion ...
Ontogenetic Development and Distribution of Antibody Transport and Fc Receptor mRNA Expression in Rat Intestine spatial nature of theintestinal immunoglobulin transport system, andrepresent additional examples of how the intestinal Fcreceptor is transcriptionally regulated.doi... MG Martin,SV Wu,JH Walsh -...
1月16日,浙江大学医学院附属第一医院郑树森院士,杨哲,耿磊等组成的团队,在期刊 Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International 发表题为 SNHG16 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma development via activating ECM receptor interaction pathway 的论文。