Skin metastasis, although rare, has been found in 0.2-9% of cancer patients during autopsies. The primary source of cutaneous metastasis is usually breast cancer in females; and 69 % of skin metastases originate from a mammary tumor. Skin metastasis often occurs when the disease has metastasized...
Here, by studying metastasis in a HER2-driven mouse breast cancer model, we show that progesterone-induced signalling triggers migration of cancer cells from early lesions shortly after HER2 activation, but promotes proliferation in advanced primary tumour cells. The switch from migration to ...
Surprisingly, while nanoparticles target breast cancer metastasis, they may also be found in elevated levels in the pre-metastatic niche, several days before metastases are visualized by MRI or histologically in the tissue. This study highlights the promise of diagnostic and therapeutic nanoparticles ...
Breast metastases to the stomach are infrequent, with an estimated incidence rate of approximately 0.3%. Gastric metastases usually are derived from lobular rather than from ductal breast . The most frequent type of a breast metastasis as seen on endoscopy to the stomach is ; features of a metas...
Breast cancer often metastasizes to bone, causing osteolytic lesions. Structural and biophysical changes are rarely studied yet are hypothesized to influence metastasis. We developed a mouse model of early bone metastasis and multimodal imaging to quantify cancer cell homing, bone (re)modeling, and ...
Endobronchial metastasisbreast cancer支氣管內轉移在臨床上是罕見的。目前為止大約有共兩百個個案被發表在英文文獻。在本文中,我們報告一位早期乳癌的病人,接受過手術,放射治療與化學治療,仍於多年後發生支氣管內轉移。此外,我們也做文獻的回顧。在此我們亦強調,足夠的過去病史跟詳細的病理分析比較,包括免疫組織化學...
Early prediction of metastasis in women with locally advanced breast cancer for SPIE Medical Imaging 2022 by Simona Rabinovici-Cohen et al.
As a result, ALN status is a critical indicator in assessing cancer staging and deciding the treatment strategy for breast cancer patients [7,8]. In the clinical treatment of breast cancer patients, the ALN metastasis status is confirmed by axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) or sentinel ...
(SWV)16. This technique showed promise in distinguishing malignant and benign breast lesions17. Some studies suggested that stiffness of breast cancer was a predictor of ALN status. Higher SWV of breast cancer showed higher possibility of ALN metastasis18,19. However, the performance of 2D-SWE ...
For patients with early breast cancer and lymph node metastasis, axillary treatment is widely recommended. This is either surgical removal of the axillary lymph nodes, or axillary radiotherapy. The rationale for axillary treatment is that it will reduce the risk of recurrence in the axilla, and ma...