将列Sepal.Length重命名为sepal_length,将Sepal.Width重命名为sepal_width: my_data %>% rename...( sepal_length = Sepal.Length, sepal_width = Sepal.Width ) 使用Rbase函数重命名列 要将列Sepal.Length...重命名为sepal_length,过程如下: 使用函数名称()或colnames()获取列名称 # Rename column where...
Selecting by lst NAME Season lst 1 阅江楼 冬季 10.498523 2 玄武湖 冬季 9.683234 4.按“列”操作 Column functions return a set of columns as a new table. Use a variant that ends in _ for non-standard evaluation friendly code. select(): keeps only the variables you mention,仅保留你关心的...
two tables Dplyr Join with one varibale Dplyr Mutate create, modify, and delete columns Dplyr Rename...Dplyr Join two tables join 函数用于根据指定的键将两个数据框连接起来,可以根据共同的变量将数据框进行合并,支持多种连接操作,如内连接、左连接、右连接和外连接等。...Dplyr Mutate...
* By design, every function in `dplyr` returns a `data.frame` * In the example above, we get back a spooky `data.frame` with a column of `S3` `lm` objects * You can still modify each element as you would normally, or pass it to a `mutate` function to extract intercept or ...
dplyr 1.0.0: select, rename, relocate rowwise: 传统的dplyr中一般使针对列处理,有了此函数后可以对数据进行处理,比如对行求和、平均值,取代rowsum()等函数,常常与across()函数连用,,能更好的能够进行批量处理。 rowwise 还是翻译一下吧,更好的了解一...
select()filter()mutate()group_by()arrange() 1)数据框列名的重新命名:names(),colnames(),rename() R base对列名进行修改的话,使用如下格式, # R base names(df)[2] <- c('popularity') # dplyr df <- df %>% rename(popularity = score) ...
dplyr::arrange(mtcars, desc(mpg)) Order rows by values of a column (high to low). dplyr::rename(tb, y = year) Rename the columns of a data frame.tidyr::spread(pollution, size, amount) Spread rows into columns.tidyr::separate(storms, date, c("y", "m", "d")) Separate one ...
positions2 = setNames(positions, c("worker", "position")) # rename first column in 'positions' #--如果两数据库不同名需要合并,使用等号匹配列名 workers %>% inner_join_dt(positions2, by = c("name" = "worker")) # 等价 workers %...
New pull() generic for extracting a single column either by name or position (either from the left or the right). Thanks to @paulponcet for the idea (#2054). This verb is powered with the new select_var() internal helper, which is exported as well. It is like select_vars() but re...
select()filter()mutate()group_by()arrange() 1)数据框列名的重新命名:names(),colnames(),rename() R base对列名进行修改的话,使用如下格式, # R basenames(df)[2]<-c('popularity')# dplyrdf<-df%>%rename(popularity=score) 2)数据过滤:which(),filter() ...