In California, where training outdoors often means amazingly high temperatures, it is customary to have athletesdrink salt-brine pickle juiceduring and after outdoor training. Salt alsoprevents or stops cramps.Milk is another top hydrating drinkthat has yet to catch on in the US but it is used...
Some may take pre-workout, or consume pre-workout supplements. Pre workout can help you get through an intense workout and keep up energy levels but they can also have some downsides. Pre-workout can lead to a lack of hydration so drink water or something with lots of electrolytes durin...
Through personal experience, I’ve come up with a different version of the hunger/appetite, “mouth hunger”/”stomach hunger” dichotomy – both of which closely parallelmind/body dualism, which I still use to describe things to my students, since it is the language we largely speak as a ...