Many women get specific cravings when PMS strikes, often for sweet or salty foods like chocolate cake. The reasons for this aren't really clear. Other women may lose their appetite or get an upset stomach. Bloating and constipation are also common. Symptoms of PMS: Acne Acne is one of the...
Chocolate Alcohol Onions and garlic Human medications, etc.Foreign objects can also be very dangerous for dogs to ingest. These frequently include:Part of a dog toy Piece of a stick Underwear Socks, etc.Additional symptoms of a toxin or foreign body include nausea, distended and/or painful abdo...
So LMNT has all these amazing mixes that help anyone stay hydrated without the sugar or the other dodgy ingredients that are found in a lot of sports drinks. You may not know, but electrolyte deficiency or even minor imbalance can be correlated to headaches, cramps, fatigue, brain fog, and...
Who says you can’t be a genuine woman without having a monthly bleeding uterus, or a bonafide man who gets his period on the regular? Not us! Many Transgender men still ovulate and bleed every month. They have to buy tampons, pads, or a reusable menstrual cup, and they can get cra...
The main ingredients used in the supplement will help you with inflammation, bloating, cramps, weight loss and tiredness. The ingredients that help relieve all these problems are; lipase, lactase, bromelain, vitamin E, and magnesium. All the ingredients are combined to provide you with relief ...
I fought back with a prescription for The Pill which helps squelch some of her power, but it can’t combat these inhumane headaches. (And that dear sweet pill seems to be making it extra difficult to keep off unwanted poundage.)
12) Menopause— hormonal changes (estrogen dominance) during this period of a woman’s life can adversely affect the thyroid as well as increase the risk of autoimmune disease, arthritis, and numerous other conditions often misdiagnosed as “aging.” ...
After exercise, drink 16 to 24 ounces of water for every pound lost. Including sodium in fluids and foods can also help with fluid retention.Dairy milk, chocolate milk, and soy milkare great post-workout options with sufficient carbohydrates, protein, and electrolytes. Even non-dairy milk opti...