作为席德瑞恩诸神的统治者,柯瑞隆是与几乎所有精灵神力都有着牢固的关系,这其中包括他与 阿罗诗(亦即罗丝)之女 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,而他是在 幽暗少女the Dark Maiden 的坚持下,才不情愿地将她与其母一起逐出。据说柯瑞隆当前的配偶要么是莎罕妮、要么是安格芮丝(具体取决于说话者所属的亚种);保护者the Protect...
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS: 等同牧师和武者Same as clerics and warriors专精需求REQ. PROFS: 盲战Blind-fighting专精奖励BONUS PROFS: 方向感Tracking·蜘蛛之剑必须是卓尔或变形蛛• Spiderswords must be drow or aranea.·蜘蛛之剑被禁止兼职• Spiderswords are not allowed to multiclass.·蜘蛛之剑免疫所有...
【主 神】柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 【盟 友】阿卡迪Akadi,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,埃彻提恩Eachthighern,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala,伊西斯Isis,柯瑞尔Koriel,拉芮Lurue,雷密斯Remnis,山达柯尔Shaundakul,席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl,萨兰娜塔Syranita,寂静之歌Stillsong,席德瑞恩诸神The...
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS: 如同牧师As clerics专精需求REQ. PROFS: 匕首Dagger, 法术辨识spellcraft, 歌唱singing专精奖励BONUS PROFS: 讣告Necrology ·死灵祭司必须是卓尔女性。• Yathrinshee must be drow females ·死灵祭司被禁止兼职。• Yathrinshee are not allowed to multiclass. ·死灵祭司免疫来自不死...
Magical Tinkering lets you make as many permanentDnD magic itemsas you want, just as long as you don’t mind the old ones fading away as soon as you construct a new one or picking from an extremely limited pool of powers. More often than not, they’re a way to flavor your character...
It’s not magical at all, but it’s handy with all kinds of tools and tricks, and much better at using magical items than its 5e forefather. Rogue level Subclass features 3 Fast Hands, Second-Story Work 9 Supreme Sneak 13 Use Magic Device 17 Thief’s Reflexes Fast Hands –You can ...
And with access to most of the Wizard class' spellbook, plus healing powers and support spells, the Artificer is a truly versatile build. If you want to make the most of your skillset, you need to be on the ball when it comes to organizing your loadout and dolling out magical items....
Magic Items by Rarity Treasure Generator Sane Magical PricesPrices Weak Magic Items Mithril And Mages Treasure Adventurers League Rewards NPC Tools for creating NPCs RPG Tinker Cellule's NPC Generator - source code https://github.com/cellule/dndGenerator Total Party Kill NPC Generator Google Sheets ...
Vlad needs the help of the party to retrieve certain magical artifacts. But there’s a catch: a wizard is also trying to gather those same artifacts. This one-shot is a time challenge between the party and the wizard. It contains reference images, statblocks, and even supplements like tips...
For those who don’t wish to be a wizard, cleric, or any sort of caster, yet still want to play an intelligent character. Scholars serve as a nonmagical form of support which can help both in and out of combat. Their main strengths involve their knowledge skills. ...