Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
Detect Magic:This spell allows the caster to detect magical auras and objects within a certain range. Fly:This spell allows the caster to fly for a certain period, making it easier to traverse difficult terrain or escape danger. Conclusion ...
The high-magic city-planet of Ravnica comes from the TCG, but it’s been expanded for roleplayers – meaning that players get some interesting new classes and races options, while DMs can appreciate the fleshed-out setting, monsters, and magic items. Most of the character options here ...
If you want to wield something special, you might find ourDnD magic itemsguide useful. And if you want to check what weapons your character can use, ourDnD classesandDnD racesguides can remind you. Here’s everything you need to know about DnD weapons: ...
As of the writing of this article, there aren’t any magical items that double your proficiency bonus with skills. Several let you become proficient with new skills, which is nice, but none will double that proficiency bonus for you.
Role:Magical damage, magical utility Notable Features:Lunar Embodiment, Lunar Boons The Lunar Sorcerer is a strange one whose gimmick relies on the phases of the moon. There are three phases—Full, New,andCrescent Moon—that each like two specific schools of spells—Abjuration and Divination, Enc...
魔法裔(Magical Lineage)【APG】:你的双亲之一是为极具天赋的施法者,他/她不但擅长超魔强化,更...
Allows for the creation of items with specific charges, spells, etc. Accessed via a separate tab on an item's sheet. When equipped and attuned to, the item's spells or magical feats will be available via the Spellcasting tab in the character's sheet....
The thirteen new minor magical items in this article from writer Robert Lashley include the inspiring pahu, smelly stone, midnight pearls, messenger ant, and more, making it easy to add a bit of flavourful magic to your 5E games without unbalancing the campaign. Illustrated by Xanditz. ...
The world of Mote is one such shining beacon, the beneficiary of the magical essence of a cataclysmic impact thousands of years ago upon a remote continent. People from far across the seas came to this promised land which they called Esterfell, slowly building new civilizations in a landscape...