技能 欺瞒+5,洞悉+5,察觉+8 抗性 寒冷 免疫 火焰,毒素;中毒 感官 黑暗视觉120尺(不受魔法黑暗阻碍);被动察觉18 语言 炼狱语,心灵感应120尺 CR 5(XP1,800;PB+3) 特质Traits 猬皮Baebed Hide。在每个自己的回合开始时,猬魔对擒抱自己的生物或被自己擒抱的生物造成5(1d10)穿刺伤害。 魔鬼复苏Diabolical Res...
力量15,敏捷 18,体质 16,智力 18,感知 16,魅力 18,移动 15,游泳 48,体型 中型M(5呎),魔抗 30%,防御等级 -1,生命骰 12,生命值 96,#攻击 2次,零级命中值 9,伤害 1d8 + 4(长剑) 特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:该化身不能被突袭,并且没有自然鸟类会攻击她。她免疫麻痹和石化。随意使用,她能创造 ...
That is to say, they don't match the creatures in the monster manual. For example, the table on page 274 of the DMG shows CR 1 creatures averaging 78 HP, but if you look at the hit points of all the CR 1 SRD entries, the average is 28. CR has been troubled since it...
打击以太生物(strike ethereal creatures)(特异):古龙以上的以太龙能够打击以太生物,如同它们是物质的。这个能力不允许处于以太位面的以太龙影响处于主物质位面的生物。 召唤以太风(summon ethereal cyclone)(超自然):每日一次,处于以太位面的太古以太龙能够召唤以太风。这需要一个全回合动作,而风暴将持续一分钟。距离该以...
迷诱魔,CR 13 类法术能力(施法者等级 14)每月1次—祈愿术(只能为凡人施展)如果你不是大数字爱好...
打击以太生物(strike ethereal creatures)(特异):古龙以上的以太龙能够打击以太生物,如同它们是物质的。这个能力不允许处于以太位面的以太龙影响处于主物质位面的生物。 召唤以太风(summon ethereal cyclone)(超自然):每日一次,处于以太位面的太古以太龙能够召唤以太风。这需要一个全回合动作,而风暴将持续一分钟。距离该以...
某dm:(微笑)给你们的惊喜,十级冒险者面对CR13的boss太危险了,我给你们换个等级低一点的,但……众pc:好耶!某dm:……他朝你们放了个九环众pc:(懵逼)你说啥?!某dm:(狞笑)我刚刚说………Meteor Swarm!(破音) 2楼2022-08-29 22:36 回复 子曰...
Similar effects of some spells for players doesn't allow to choose specific creatures, only CR, but can Lord of the Undead do it? Is he capable of summoning specific named undead, like, for example, Acererak? Orcus conjures them, but it's not clear if they are tele...
Thea Kent lovingly illustrated all 70 cards. Get inspired and wow your players with Thea's fresh take on classic creatures. Beyond Basics In addition to 5e stats we created custom quirks, names, variants and random tables for most cards. ...