5e里面各个cr都有..欧理可招募者 Oriq Recruiter欧理可招募者是听命潜入斯翠海文的狡诈法师。他们善于融入其中,关注着那些实力强大但表现不佳的法师和那些被学院抛弃的学生。招聘人员接近并与这些人成为朋友,他们要么
So if the creature hits for 5 damage/turn typically, and the average party member will be paralyzed for 2 rounds if they fail their initial save, it's around 10 damage for a failed save (and the creature's actions). The big advantage of this method is that you can do very...
What is the proper CR for this creature given their abilities? Once again, the calculator just doesn't seem to cut it. There's a lot of interactions between different abilities and legendary actions. It's enough to make my head spin and I just can't wrap my head around it ...
RECHERCHE PAR LIEU D’EXPOSITION TRIER PAR NOMBRE D’ŒUVRES MONTRÉES PAR PAGE Bien que nous ayons pris soin d’assurer l’exactitude de l’information publiée, des erreurs ou omissions peuvent se produire. Toutes les acquisitions so...
在5e设定t3团被c..新人看了吧里的的小说有一些疑问萨佩斯特里尔维斯(关于屠龙的短篇) 虽然背景似乎不是5e,不过t3团能力定位应该是差不多的吧,小说开头也提到这个7人团成功讨伐了成年黑龙和成年红龙,应该设定上算比较老练的
The Dungeon Master's Guide contains copious rules for estimating the effects of traits on a creature's Challenge Rating. Some, of course, have greater effects than others. The DMG itself points out that class levels are of great value to low-level monsters, while, ...