This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason:Missing CR, hit dice, and bonus to hit. See the5e Creature Design Guideif you need help. You can help D&D Wiki by finishing and/or adding flavor to this page. When the flavor has been changed so that this template is no longer ap...
You can also use spell slots in the armor to further boost its power, as described in the spell page (Create Demise Armor) Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Creatures Categories: CR10 5e Creature Undead Type Large Size User
5e (58) aberration (15) Archetype (43) Ascension Games (7) characters (31) Chess (8) cleric (10) construct (7) CR 1-5 (47) CR 6-10 (37) CR 11-15 (19) CR 16-20 (13) Creative Characters (15) Creature Feature (85) D&D (33) Dreamscarred press (7) Egg Embry (33) Encounte...
Do the Bronze Scout's burrow speed and Earth Armor trait make it stronger than a CR 1 creature? 9 Does adding the Damage Absorption trait to a not-immune creature change its CR? 6 How would giving a creature a Vorpal Sword affect their CR? 9 Exactly how smart are Demon Lords? Demogo...
Ps: If this is the case, then I would also rule that if the mouse cralws into my characters pocket afterwards, it would also become invisible. At least, if you combine this with the unofficial ruling of Jeremy Crawford regarding a similar question: Only items worn/carried when invisibility...
If you’re not a fan of lampreys, you probably won’t like them any more when there’s a swarm of them being used as attack drones by an apex predator. The caypin is the predator in question, a CR 6 amphibious predator with a symbiotic relationship it uses to hunt. ...
XP:The RECG notes that every system has its own XP progression. In LotFP, the main way to gain XP is by recovering treasure, so monsters don’t provide much XP. A monster with 2 HD gives 10 XP, so we’ll start with that as the baseline. For 5e we’ll assume a CR 1 to start...
Back to Main Page→ 5e Homebrew→ Creatures Categories: CR10 5e Creature Aberration Type Small Size Derivative Work Final Fantasy franchise UserPage Discussion Edit History Talk Contributions Create account Log in Home of user-generated, homebrew pages!
Undead Nature.An arcanite doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. 5.00 (one vote) Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Creatures
I want to use this for a wizard, who would cast shapechange to turn into a planetar, equip an adamantine greatsword, then attack some boats (by Ghosts of Saltmarsh standards, it could destroy most boats in two turns). dnd-5e-2014 monsters weapons Share Follow edited ...