Suppose you have a creature that that has 252 HP, has 22 intelligence, makes 3 Int-based attacks for 3d12+6 psychic damage against AC, and 1/encounter can deal 2d12 (save for half) thunder damage when damaged to everyone within 200' (when "bloodied"); save DC is int-bas...
I think that my DM isn’t making a house rule on purpose and is just misunderstanding the rules. I think he used a "conversion array" that he found on google: something like a level X creature is a normal threat for 4 level X PCs. Right now he tells me that he is right and the...
Rickel Tinderfoothalflingrogue1/bard2Very mischievous hobb— er... halfling. Soulmask Arcanist SparkleTrynnieRanger 3Trynnie ranger. YrlenDark Elf3Yrlen is a dark creature superficially identical to an elf. Having found his skills give him an advantage on the material plane he joined the assass...
we can see that if a creature’s CR is less than 1, a two-point increase in damage output will almost always result in an increase in its offensive CR. That is, if a creature has an offensive CR of 1/4, it’s damage output 4-5. Increasing that by two points will ...
水生动物(Water Creature)—装备了该圣遗物后,你将彻底... +6 分享112 赵今麦吧 Kakaoooc 【麦向未来〗◆0921其他◇开学典礼新生代表小麦来啦~ cr:中央戏剧学院公众号 分享1213 单反吧 柚子家👀 重磅消息!——CR网站信誓旦旦的表示佳能下一款全画幅微单为EOS R5! 而且这个消息是今天CR网站刚刚确认的,给出...
What is the proper CR for this creature given their abilities? Once again, the calculator just doesn't seem to cut it. There's a lot of interactions between different abilities and legendary actions. It's enough to make my head spin and I just can't wrap my head around it ...
The Dungeon Master's Guide contains copious rules for estimating the effects of traits on a creature's Challenge Rating. Some, of course, have greater effects than others. The DMG itself points out that class levels are of great value to low-level monsters, while, ...
(circle of the moon btw.). I'm okay with that but the problem is I don't know how to determinate final CR of the creature because I've never bothered with that before, I would just change things to make encounter more interesting. Is there a table or something that determinates how...
Average Challenge Rating. The monster's final challenge rating is the average of its defensive and offensive challenge ratings.Round the average up or down to the nearest challenge ratingto determine your monster's final challenge rating. For example, if the creature's defensive challenge rating is...