如果形态的CR超过15,目标将死亡。受影响的目标不能通过变形来获取记忆或知识。目标有可能经历严重的身体异样感。 升环施法:当你使用十二环及以上的法术位施法时,上述挑战等级限制增加到20。 笔者评论:所以这和镜血有啥关系? 4.创造密瑟拉之核/Create Mythallar:十一环防护术(仪式) 施法时间:5天 范围:30英尺 ...
That is to say, they don't match the creatures in the monster manual. For example, the table on page 274 of the DMG shows CR 1 creatures averaging 78 HP, but if you look at the hit points of all the CR 1 SRD entries, the average is 28. CR has been troubled since it...
Specifically, I'd like to know if creatures were playtested assuming a certain number of them. For example, if I made a CR1 creature, do I pit one against a 1st level party of four? or do I pit two against an 3rd-level party of four? and so on... dnd-5e-2014 monsters cr-ca...
The best DnD 5E reference cards. 70 Easy to use cards with 5th edition stat blocks, original art and more.
CR 7 Ah, theMind Flayer– another evil aberration that makes for a great D&D encounter. An original creation of D&D co-creator Gary Gygax, the tentacle-faced Illithid (as they’re also known) uses its psionic abilities to control, attack, and eat the brains of other creatures. ...
扫荡怪群Cleaving through Creatures 如果玩家的角色们经常与一些低等级的怪物战斗,则你可以考虑使用该选用规则来加速这些战斗。当一次近战攻击将一个未受伤害的生物生命值降至0点时,该攻击造成的任何额外伤害可以转移给附近的另一个生物。攻击者可以指定其触及范围内的另一个生物作为目标,如果最初的攻击检定命中,则对...
If you’re already familiar withDnD Hobgoblins, you might check out our parallel guides to theGoblin 5eandBugbear 5eraces; though these creatures are all related and often seen together as enemies, they’re allDnD racesin their own right, and worth digging into. Alternatively, you could try...
DnD5e Helpers v3.0.1Some helpful automation to remind GMs of legendary actions, regeneration, undead fortitude checks, wild magic surges, auto proficiencies, and more. Also provides additional homebrew rules like open wounds, great wounds, and measured template adjustments....
Over 100 creatures for your campaign - Lore, Harvest Mechanics, Tactics, Treasure and 300 Further Adventure hooks to expand your campaign world. Limitless Monsters vol.2 More InfoPreview PDF $15.00 Hardcover $32.99 100 new 5E Monsters - Expand your campaign with even more monsters, spells, and...