最开始,一只高贵的麒麟(ki-rin)来到了这里,福兽(foo creature),圣飞象(hollyphant)和一队月犬(moon dog)跟随着它。在第三只羽蛇到来时,一场全面战争在这里爆发了.这场血腥而无意义的野蛮战斗一直持续到现在。艾斯柯戴尔为了保护他在无意间背弃的孩子们而死在了安卓林纳,星之女王莫维尔(Queen Morwel)的现任配...
CR 3 No creature better personifies ‘hangry’ than the classicOwlbear. This mammal-bird hybrid was hangry long before such a meme-era term even existed. While the owlbear is a touch more ‘vanilla’ than some of the other monsters featured on this list, it’s no less a hallmark of Dung...
最开始,一只高贵的麒麟(ki-rin)来到了这里,福兽(foo creature),圣飞象(hollyphant)和一队月犬(moon dog)跟随着它。在第三只羽蛇到来时,一场全面战争在这里爆发了.这场血腥而无意义的野蛮战斗一直持续到现在。艾斯柯戴尔为了保护他在无意间背弃的孩子们而死在了安卓林纳,星之女王莫维尔(Queen Morwel)的现任配...
One of the most significant benefits granted by this Circle comes right away, at level two, when you pick the subclass. Not only does this let you use Wild Shape as a bonus action (and heal as you do so), but also gives you access to CR 1 creature forms starting at level two inste...
Groctel’s Character Sheets - Custom character sheet by /u/Groctel Monstrous Races - This document presents rules for playing every creature in the Monster Manual Figurines Where to buy/customize figurines Hero Forge Custom Figs - Design your own custom 3D miniatures for purchase with a ton of...
Add AC divided by 4. Then subtract 4. That gives you the CR for a creature with no status effects or special abilities. The DMG provides rules for handling legendary resists, advantage, invisibility, magic resistances, area effects, etc. While this system doesn't seem that similar...
True Owner:(b) This artifact has certain abilities that can only be used by the True Owner of the item. To become the True Owner, a creature that can wield the sword of Forgotten Heroes must land the killing blow on the previous True Owner, or the person who has it in thei...
Creature types Humanoid *blank* I use in combination with Monk's TokenBar, which allows me to only toggle loot sheets I want. Chance of no currency 0.25 0.1 --- Chance of damaged items 0.1 0 --- Damaged items multiplier 0.35 0 --- Currency multiplier 1 --- --- Use silver Enabled ...