DNase I footprinting Kit 产品性能报告 (IEMed-K324) 实验目的:转录因子在靶基因上的结合位点研究; 技术原理:DNase I足迹(DNase I footprinting)实验是一种鉴别核酸结合蛋白质在DNA上结合位点的经典方法,它能…
DNase I footprinting Nick Translation 相关产品 单独销售的组分 DNase I 反应缓冲液 注意事项 EDTA should be added to a final concentration of 5 mM to protect RNA from being degraded during enzyme inactivation (3). We do not recommend using NEB's DNase I as a substitute for Monarch DNase ...
Applications Preparation of DNA-free RNA samples Removal of DNA contamination from RNA samples prior to RT-qPCR reaction DNA template after removal of RNA transcription in vitro DNase I footprinting assay Construction of DNA random fragment library...
包括制备不含DNA的RNA样品;RT-PCR反应前RNA样品中去除基因组DNA等可能的DNA污染;体外T7, T3, SP6等RNA Polymerases催化的RNA转录后去除DNA模板; DNase I footprinting研究DNA-蛋白质相互作用;缺口平移(nick translatioin);产生DNA随机片断文库;细胞凋亡TUNEL检测中部分剪切基因组DNA作为阳性对照等。
◇ DNase I足迹法(DNase I footprinting)研究DNA-蛋白质相互作用; ◇ 缺口平移法标记探针用; ◇ 制备随机DNA片段文库; ◇ TUNEL细胞凋亡检测中用于剪切DNA制备阳性对照; 产品包装 组分编号 组分名称 货号(规格) MF0405-200U MF0405-1000U MF0405-A DNase I Solution (RNase & Protease-free) 200U 1000U...
3. Identification of protein binding sequences on DNA (DNase I footprinting), 4. Prevention of clumping when handling cultured cells, and 5. Creation of a fragmented library of DNA sequences for in vitro recombination reactions. While frequently used in the laboratory, the...
DNase I footprinting was first published in 1978 and predates both Sanger sequencing and NGS. The first published use with NGS was published by Boyle et al. and later optimized for sequencing1. A high-sensitivity protocol is also available (scDNase-seq)2. ...
• Studies of DNA-protein interactions by DNase I, RNase-free footprinting • Generation of a library of randomly overlapping DNA inserts. Reaction buffer containing Mn2+ is used Note DNase I is sensitive to physical denaturation. Mix gently by inverting the tube. Do not vortex. ...
DNase I主要用途:制备不含DNA的RNA样品;RT-PCR反应前RNA样品中去除基因组DNA等可能的DNA污染;体外T7, T3, SP6等RNA Polymerases催化的RNA转录后去除DNA模板; DNase I footprinting研究DNA-蛋白质相互作用;缺口平移(nick translatioin);产生DNA随机片断文库;细胞凋亡TUNEL检测中部分剪切基因组DNA作为阳性对照。
• DNA labeling by nick-translation in conjunction with DNA Polymerase I • Studies of DNA-protein interactions by DNase I, RNase-free footprinting • Generation of a library of randomly overlapping DNA inserts. Reaction buffer containing Mn2+ is used ...