All three extraction techniques resulted in successful amplifications. With the dipstick method, PCR immediately follows the very brief DNA extraction technique. We suggest that the dipstick method is an affordable, efficient, and reliable DNA extraction method uniquely suited for biological barcoding ...
(2010). Comparison of the three methods for DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded tissues. Journal of Biological Sciences. 10: 261-266.Mirmomeni MH, Sajjadi Majd S, Sisakhtnezhad S, Dorane- gard F. Comparison of the three methods for DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded tissues. Journal of...
dNAextraction ; ISSR ; improvedCTABmethod 大叶栎( CastanoPsisfissa. )又名裂壳锥、黧 蒴栲、乌叶子,壳斗科栲属,亚热带林区主要树种 之一 [ 1 ] ,天然次生林先锋树种 [ 2 ] ,大叶栎生长快, 对土壤要求不严。可多代长期萌芽更新,采伐后萌 芽生长快,枯枝落叶多且易分解,有利于林地的可 持续利用 [ 3 ]...
Comparison and optimization of ancient DNA extraction. with published methods, this minimalist approach, on average, outperforms all other methods in terms of DNA yields as measured using quantitative PCR. We... N Rohland,M Hofreiter - 《Biotechniques》 被引量: 613发表: 2007年 Comparison of ...
Comparison of Different Extraction Methods of Genomic DNA from Soybean Powder Xu Weili Ma YingDu MingWang JiaqiLi Qiming 四川省应用基础研究(2009JY0101);哈尔滨工业大学优秀青年教师培养计划(HITQNJS.2005.055)资助。 第一作者简介:徐伟丽,女,1977年出生,博士,黑龙江,讲师,主要从事食品生物技术和食品安全领域的...
quality of DNA extracted by SDS method was the most amoung the four methods;when the quality of Staphylococcus Aureus' DNA diluted to 1.975×10-4 pg,SDS method can still detect the extractives by PCR. SDS method was stable and economic and was an ideal extraction of Staphylococcus Aureus'...
Comparison of DNA yield and purity was based on extractions from mock breast milk samples. Yield differed significantly between methods (ANOVA, P < 0.001, Fig.1a) and was significantly higher for Sigma-Aldrich GenElute (Mean ± SD, 0.635 ± 1.6 ng/µL) and manual phenol...
The aim of this study is to test which of the two extraction methods employed is better to overcome the problems seen in the recovery of genetic material of the individuals from La Cova des Pas site. La Cova des Pas site is considered the most important talaiotic necropolis from Menorca, ...
DNA extraction methods.In terms of the DNA purity,the kit method was the best one.Four DNA extraction methods could effectively lysis both bacterial and fungal cells except the high temperature lysis method for fungal cells.According to the DGGE analysis,more diverse bacterial communities were ...
模式小鼠总 DNA 三种提取方法比较 Comparison of three methods for total DNA extraction from mouse models 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 56阅读文档大小:973.01K5页kangshuge1989上传于2015-03-28格式:PDF 模式小鼠总DNA三种提取方法比较 热度: 大鼠海马组织RNA、DNA和蛋白质共提取方法的研究 ...