There were some differences between the various DNA extraction methods. The CTAB method seems to have the highest genomic DNA yield with the highest quality for DNA techniques compared to other protocols.Kamel, Y MHelmy, N AHafez, A A
The impact of different DNA extraction methods on the analysis of microbial diversity of oral saliva from healthy youths by polymerase chain reaction-denat... (2016) The impact of different DNA extraction methods on the analysis of microbial diversity of oral saliva from healthy youths by polymerase...
PURPOSE: It is a challenge to find a better microorganisms DNA extraction method for samples taken from the lower airways for metagenomic sequencing, as the concentrations of bacteria in the alveoli and small airways are likely considerably less than that of the mouth or lower digestive tract. Bac...
of DNA extracted by SDS method was the most amoung the four methods;when the quality of Staphylococcus Aureus' DNA diluted to 1.975×10-4 pg,SDS method can still detect the extractives by PCR. SDS method was stable and economic and was an ideal extraction of Staphylococcus Aureus'DNA. ...
摘要 [Objective] The paper was too explore and compare methods of DNA extraction from raw soybean milk.[Method] Tak...展开更多 [目的]探讨适宜生豆浆的DNA提取方法。[方法]以市售豆浆为材料,分别采用热解法、异丙醇沉淀法、CTAB法、SDS法、高盐低pH和异硫氰酸胍法以及它们的改良方法提取基因组DNA,并比较...
这几种豆粉基因组DNA提取方法都具有操作简单、耗时短、利于快速检测的优点。豆粉;基因组DNA;提取;聚合酶链式反应S565.1AComparison of Different Extraction Methods of Genomic DNA from Soybean PowderXu WeiliMa YingDu MingWang JiaqiLi Qiming四川省应用基础研究(2009JY0101);哈尔滨工业大学优秀青年教师培养计划(HIT...
wastewateractivatedsludge.Keywords:dairywastewater;activatedsludge;DNA;extraction;PCR乳品行业作为中国的支柱产业,每年都要产生出大量的有机废水,该行业一般采用活性污泥工艺来处理废水,活性污泥是由许多微生物组成并通过胞外聚合物和离 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~...
Our ongoing study is aiming to test the impact of three different age of faeces samples and two DNA extraction methods on the genotyping success of Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae). Samples from zoos in Germany are separated into three different part (fresh, 1 week and 1 month). ...
Numerous DNA extraction techniques have been developed to suit the different structure and texture of various food matrices. In all cases, it is indispensable that the presence of inhibitors in food matrices should be eliminated in order to acquire high purity, amount, and intact DNA for downstream...
extraction efficiencyrecovery efficiencySee: Brigitte B.Tiggelaar Roald M.Gardeniers HanWiley/Blackwell (10.1111)Journal of Forensic Sciences...