碧云天生物技术有限公司生产的Fidaxomicin (DNA/RNA Synthesis抑制剂),产品编号产品名称产品包装产品价格SC9127-25mgFidaxomicin(DNA/RNASynthesis抑制剂)25mg525.00元化学信息:化学名[(
Fidaxomicin(DNA/RNA Synthesis抑制剂)是一种窄谱的大环类抗生素,抑制RNA聚合酶σ亚基。它是从放线菌Dactylosporangium aurantiacum亚种hamdenesis获得的发酵产物。Fidaxomicin结合并阻止细菌RNA聚合酶的“转录区”的移动。在DNA:RNA钳的打开和关闭过程中发生开关运动,这一过程在整个RNA转录过程中发生,但在转录起始期间打开...
it paves the way for more extensive studies of how self-replicating DNA-RNA mixes could have evolved and spread on the primordial Earth and ultimately seeded the more mature biology
Replicative DNA polymerases cannot initiate DNA synthesis de novo and rely on dedicated RNA polymerases, primases, to generate a short primer. This primer is then extended by the DNA polymerase. In diverse archaeal species, the primase has long been known to have the ability to synthesize both ...
DNA/RNA Synthesis抑制剂 MCE 站:DNA/RNA Synthesis 品牌:MedChemExpress (MCE) 相关产品:PolQi2|Thymidine | 胸苷|Methotrexate | 甲氨蝶呤|DHX9-IN-2|Carboplatin | 卡铂|Actinomycin D | 放线菌素 D|DHX9-IN-1|Oxaliplatin | 奥沙利铂|Cytarabine | 阿糖胞苷|Bleomycin sulfate | 硫酸博来霉素 ...
1. 1. An investigation of the coupling and relevance to cell division of DNA, RNA and protein syntheses is reported. 2. 2. Cell division is synchronized in a population of bacterial cells by suspending DNA synthesis specifically, while RNA and protein syntheses continue. Cell division takes pla...
ChemGenes is proud to be attending and exhibiting at this year's 16th annual TIDES Asia event in Kyoto, Japan. Event Details Explore Our Products Oligonucleotide Synthesis Single Cell RNA Sequencing Phosphoramidites and Solid Supports New Products ...
These analogs include boranephosphonates, metallophosphonates, and alkylboranephosphines.RoyDepartmentSubhadeepDepartmentCaruthersDepartmentMarvinDepartmentEBSCO_AspMoleculesRoy S, Caruthers M (2013) Synthesis of DNA/RNA and their analogs via phosphoramidite and H-phosphonate chemistries. Molecules 18:14268...
图4. MW辅助的加热干燥法可以对长DNA和长结构的RNA进行标记并应用于生物传感 原文:Fast microwave heating-based one-step synthesisof DNA and RNA modified gold nanoparticles
DNA和RNA 1. Studies on the changes of DNA and RNA content in testicular cells of fluorosis rat; 氟中毒大鼠睾丸细胞DNA和RNA变化的荧光组织化学研究 更多例句>> 补充资料:initiation site DNA、RNA 分子式:CAS号:性质:蛋白质的生物合成总是在特定位点开始,空上位点称起始位点。DNA复制是在特定的核苷酸序列...