其中,该研究使用了DNA亲和纯化测序技术(DAP-seq,DNA Affinity Purification Sequencing),鉴定了水稻生物钟核心组分OsCCA1(Oryza sativa CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1)调控的下游靶基因。 2020年4月,北京工商大学与蓝景科信合作,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(IF=3.322)发表了题为“ Phytochrome-interact...
DAP-seq Service (DNA affinity purification sequencing) Background Introduction ChIP-seq is a popular method that depends heavily on having the right antibodies for each target protein, which can be tough to get, particularly for proteins found in lesser-known organisms or in low...
DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq) couples in vitro expression of transcription factor (TF) and binding to a genomic DNA library with next-generation sequencing, providing a robust method to identify genome-wide transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) on endogenous genomic DNA. Here we...
DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq) couples in vitro expression of transcription factor (TF) and binding to a genomic DNA library with next-generation sequencing, providing a robust method to identify genome-wide transcription factor ...
Gibbs RA, et al (1990) Multiplex DNA deletion detection and exon sequencing of the hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase gene in Lesch-Nyhan families. Genomics 7:235–244. Dressman D et al (2003) Transforming single DNA molecules into fluorescent magnetic particles for detection a...
affinity purification sequencing(DNA亲和纯化测序) AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORS (ARFs):plant-specifictranscription factors (TFs) that couple perception of the hormone auxin to geneexpression programs. highly conserved nuclear auxinsignal transduction pathway is composed of the TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA auxinco-receptors...
Chou et al., 1996, “Affinity methods for purification of DNA sequencing reaction products for mass spectrometric analysis,” Rapid Commun. Mass. Spect. 10:1410-1414.;:1410-1414.Chou et al., Affinity methods for purification of DNA sequencing reaction products for mass spectrometric analysis. ...
namely DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq), allows to identify the potential genomic-binding sites of several hundreds of TFs26. Using this method, they found that 76% ofArabidopsisTFs they studied were sensitive to DNA methylation27. However, whether and to what extent DNA methylation...
Partitioning with high affinity binding—at least 4-fold greater sensitivity than antibody-based methods Fractionation based on CpG methylation density— ds DNA capture is achieved with MBD2 protein and facilitates ligation of double-stranded adaptors for next-generation sequencing ...
Strand-specific DNA damage sequencing reveals that HO-TRCs cause DNA damage at the end of the transcription unit in the lagging strand and overexpression of ATH can boost HO-TRCs and exacerbates DNA damage. Furthermore, mutation of plastid DNA polymerase Pol1A can similarly rescue the defects in...