Hang Squat Snatch 2-2-2-2 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets. BTWB 5 RFT: Run, Alternating DB Snatches and Alternating Reverse DB Goblet Lunges 5 rounds for time of: Run 200m 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, pick load ...
DB Chinese Row/哑铃卧拉Mason精英体能训练 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多537 -- 0:10 App DB Front Rack Walking Lunge/哑铃前架位箭步走 1.1万 3 0:20 App 130公斤高翻挺 体重74 880 -- 0:10 App cossack squat/哥萨克深蹲 454 2 0:17 App Hang Squat Snatch/膝上下蹲抓 ...
Cables Squat Position Rows!! 2015-04-30 00:16 跟我一起流一點汗吧!!(BB) Squats!! 2015-04-29 00:19 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! (DB) Sumo Squats!! 2015-04-28 00:19 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! Plate Pullover Ab Reach With Leg Raises! 2015-04-18 00:20 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! BOSU ...
2. Weightlifting - 举重,指的是这项运动本身。 3. Snatch - 抓举,举重比赛中的一个动作。 4. Clean and Jerk - 挺举,一个举重动作。 5. Lifter - 举重运动员。
Snatch 抓举 Hang Pull 悬垂拉 High Pull 高拉 Split Jerk/箭步挺/弓剪步分腿举 Push Press 借力推举 借力推举和挺举或半挺其他方面都完全相同,唯一的区别是上挺后没有下蹲支撑。 Front Squat (weightlifting style) 前蹲 高翻/Power Clean 不蹲浅蹲就是高翻,半蹲...
crossfit超话 37kg overhead squat34kg hang squat snatch✅ L大洋小亨咧的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 c +关注 我的日日是好日 1月18日 15:14 来自crossfit超话 #让汗流的更好看##坚持运动打卡# crossfit超话#今日贴纸打卡# 修养身心的一周。#crossfit##...
He had never noticed before how squat and mean it looked. Passing through the narrow streets he reached the Darsena shipping-basin, where he took off his hat and flung it into the water. It would be found, of course, when they dragged for his body. Then he walked on alo...
changesIt is most common in sports practice the following exercises from weigthtlifting tobe borrowed for the development of javelin throwers' strength development: barbell snatch, barbell clean turn, lying clean, squat, etc. This article deals with strength training of both men and women....
“Sounds like the hook in a chart topper, A rapper mouths squatting like a gilded animal” (ll, 1-2). 1088 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays Read More Eminems Controversial Lyrics Essay Marshall Bruce Mathers a.k.a. Eminem. Born October 17, 1972, grew up in Kansas City. From there he be...
The article presents the results of a study which compared the use of two barbell exercises, the hang clean and squat, in terms of their potential to affect the countermovement vertical jump performance of female college athletes. An overview of related previous research is provided, along with ...