将Delta 的内容复制到另一个位置后,使用代替 时,上述查询速度提高了 60 倍(即在同一集群上需要0.5 秒) 。这是复制增量的命令:NEW_PATHPATH_TO_THE_TABLE(spark.read.format("delta").load(PATH_TO_THE_TABLE).write.format( "delta" ) .mode("overwrite").partitionBy(["DATE"]).save(NEW_PATH)) Run...
流式传输到表时,请使用toTable方法,如以下示例所示: Python Python (events.writeStream .outputMode("append") .option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/events/_checkpoints/") .toTable("events") ) Scala Scala events.writeStream .outputMode("append") .option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/events...
流式传输到表时,请使用toTable方法,如以下示例所示: Python Python (events.writeStream .outputMode("append") .option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/events/_checkpoints/") .toTable("events") ) Scala Scala events.writeStream .outputMode("append") .option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/events...
Python 複製 filtered_df = ( spark.read.table("samples.nyctaxi.trips") .filter(col("fare_amount") > 10.0) ) filtered_df.write.saveAsTable("catalog.schema.filtered_taxi_trips") 您現在可以使用 SQL 或 Python 等語言來查詢此 Delta table。差異tables 和一般 views...
(spark.readStream.table("events").groupBy("customerId").count().writeStream.outputMode("complete").option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/eventsByCustomer/_checkpoints/").toTable("events_by_customer")) The preceding example continuously updates a table that contains the aggregate number of even...
IntegerType(), True), StructField("Country", StringType(), True) ]) rawDataDF = (spark.read .option("header", "true") .schema(inputSchema) .csv(adlsPath + 'input') ) (rawDataDF.write .mode("overwrite") .format("delta") .saveAsTable("customer_data", path=customerTablePath)) ...
INSERT INTO table SELECT * FROM parquet.`${da.paths.datasets}/ecommerce/raw/sales-30m` Note that INSERT INTO does not have any built-in guarantees to prevent inserting the same records multiple times. Re-executing the above cell would write the same records to the target table, resulting in...
%sql CREATE TABLE <table-name> ( num Int, num1 Int NOT NULL ) USING DELTA Now that we have the Delta table defined we can create a sample DataFrame and usesaveAsTableto write to the Delta table. This sample code generates sample data and configures the schema with theisNullableproperty ...
You must write code to collect metrics about execution or data quality. Key Concepts of Delta Live Tables The following illustration shows the important components of a Delta Live Tables pipeline, followed by an explanation of each. Streaming table ...
If the underlying data was not manually deleted, the mount point for the storage blob was removed and recreated while the cluster was writing to the Delta table. Delta Lake does not fail a table write if the location is removed while the data write is ongoing. Instead, a new folder is ...