将Delta 的内容复制到另一个位置后,使用代替 时,上述查询速度提高了 60 倍(即在同一集群上需要0.5 秒) 。这是复制增量的命令:NEW_PATHPATH_TO_THE_TABLE (spark.read.format("delta").load(PATH_TO_THE_TABLE).write.format( "delta" ).mode("overwrite").partitionBy(["DATE"]).save(NEW_PATH)) ...
流式传输到表时,请使用toTable方法,如以下示例所示: Python Python (events.writeStream .outputMode("append") .option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/events/_checkpoints/") .toTable("events") ) Scala Scala events.writeStream .outputMode("append") .option("checkpointLocation","/tmp/delta/events...
df.write.mode("append").format("delta").saveAsTable("table_name") Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 如果您使用文件路径: df = ... transform source data ... df.write.mode("append").format("delta").save("path_to_delta") Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud)...
.write \ .format("delta") \ .mode("append") \ .option("mergeSchema", "true") \ .save(f"/mnt/defaultDatalake/{append_table_name}") 它以前是用createtable命令创建的,我不使用INSERT命令对它进行写入(如上所示) 现在我希望能够使用SQL逻辑来查询它,而不必每次都通过createOrReplaceTempView。是否可...
請參閱 搭配舊版 Hive 中繼存放區使用Delta Live Tables 管線。注意 本教學課程提供使用 Databricks 筆記本開發和驗證新管線程式代碼的指示。 您也可以在 Python 或 SQL 檔案中使用原始碼來設定管線。 如果您已經有使用 Delta Live Tables 語法撰寫的原始程式碼,您可以設定管線來執行程式碼。 請參閱 設定D...
Login Contact Us Try Databricks Why are DLT pipelines better than other opinionated approaches to ETL pipelines? Can Apache Spark™ experts tune and configure DLT pipelines? Ready to become a data + AI company? Take the first steps in your transformation ...
以下示例代码从示例 NYC 出租车行程数据集创建 Delta 表,筛选为包含大于 10 美元的票价的行。 在以下项中添加或更新新行时,不会更新 samples.nyctaxi.trips此表:Python 复制 filtered_df = ( spark.read.table("samples.nyctaxi.trips") .filter(col("fare_amount") > 10.0) ) filtered_df.write.saveAs...
IntegerType(), True), StructField("Country", StringType(), True) ]) rawDataDF = (spark.read .option("header", "true") .schema(inputSchema) .csv(adlsPath + 'input') ) (rawDataDF.write .mode("overwrite") .format("delta") .saveAsTable("customer_data", path=customerTablePath)) ...
INSERT INTO table SELECT * FROM parquet.`${da.paths.datasets}/ecommerce/raw/sales-30m` Note that INSERT INTO does not have any built-in guarantees to prevent inserting the same records multiple times. Re-executing the above cell would write the same records to the target table, resulting in...
%sql CREATE TABLE <table-name> ( num Int, num1 Int NOT NULL ) USING DELTA Now that we have the Delta table defined we can create a sample DataFrame and usesaveAsTableto write to the Delta table. This sample code generates sample data and configures the schema with theisNullableproperty ...