(""" MERGE INTO aggregates t USING updates s ON s.key = t.key WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET * WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT * """)# Write the output of a streaming aggregation query into Delta table(streamingAggregatesDF.writeStream .foreachBatch(upsertToDelta) .outputMode("update") ....
Try Databricks Why are DLT pipelines better than other opinionated approaches to ETL pipelines? Can Apache Spark™ experts tune and configure DLT pipelines? Ready to become a data + AI company? Take the first steps in your transformation ...
OPTIMIZE your Delta table The OPTIMIZE (AWS | Azure | GCP) command compacts multiple Delta files into large single files. This improves the overall query speed and performance of your Delta table by helping you avoid having too many small files around. By default, OPTIMIZE creates 1GB files.Wa...
OPTIMIZEyour Delta table The OPTIMIZE (AWS|Azure|GCP) command compacts multiple Delta files into large single files. This improves the overall query speed and performance of your Delta table by helping you avoid having too many small files around. By default,OPTIMIZEcreates 1GB files....
在AI_QUERY 函数中手动设置 returnType 参数以替代架构解析。AI_FUNCTION_UNSUPPORTED_ERRORSQLSTATE:56038函数<funcName> 在当前环境中不受支持。 它仅在 Databricks SQL Pro 和无服务器版本中可用。AI_FUNCTION_UNSUPPORTED_REQUESTSQLSTATE:0A000未能计算 SQL 函数“<functionName>”,因为提供的 <invalidValue> 参数...
Learn how to use the CONVERT TO DELTA syntax of Delta Lake SQL language in Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime.
让我们再来看一下Delta Lake 的其他管理功能:Time Travel to OldTtable Versions:Delta Lake 在读取...
table `DELETE` statement. For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/databricks/delta/delta-intro#frequently-asked-questions Caused by: FileNotFoundException: Operation failed: 'The specified path does not exist.', 404, HEAD, https:// REDACTED.dfs.core.windows.net/ REDACTED/ ...
Note thatDatabricksoverwrites the underlying data source with the data of the input query, to make sure the table gets created contains exactly the same data as the input query. Examples SQL -- Creates a Delta table >CREATETABLEstudent(idINT,name STRING,ageINT); ...
使用Spark Structured Streaming 实时流写入 Delta Lake %spark import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger def getquery(checkpoint_dir:String,tableName:String,servers:String,topic:String ) { var streamingInputDF = spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("...