表历史记录保留期取决于表设置delta.logRetentionDuration,后者默认为 30 天。 备注 按时间顺序查看和表历史记录由不同的保留期阈值控制。 请参阅什么是 Delta Lake 按时间顺序查看?。 SQL复制 DESCRIBEHISTORY table_name-- get the full history of the tableDESCRIBEHISTORY table_nameLIMIT1-- get the last op...
如果指定,流将读取从指定版本(包含)开始对 Delta 表的所有更改。 如果指定的版本不再可用,则流无法启动。 可以从DESCRIBE HISTORY命令输出的version列中获取提交版本。 若仅返回最新更改,请指定latest。 startingTimestamp:要从其开始的时间戳。 在该时间戳(含)或之后提交的所有表更改都由流式读取器读取。 如果提供...
在Delta Sharing 中,預設會啟用資料表歷程記錄 使用SQL 命令建立的共享 ALTER SHARE <share> ADD TABLE <table> 現在預設會啟用歷程記錄共用(WITH HISTORY)。 請參閱 ALTER SHARE。 當認證類型不相符時,Credential SQL 語句會傳回錯誤 在此版本中,如果認證管理 SQL 語句中指定的認證類型不符合認證自變數的類型,...
Build and run data pipelines on the Data Intelligence Platform. Simplify batch and streaming ETL. Automated data quality, CDC, ingestion and transformation.
Use Delta Lake change data feed on Azure DatabricksQuerying previous versions of a tableEach write to a Delta table creates a new table version. You can use the transaction log to review modifications to your table and query previous table versions. See Work with Delta Lake table history.Delta...
Delta lake是一个具有事务ACID语义的table storage系统,底层基于常见的云对象存储(S3/Blob Storage...)或分布式文件系统(HDFS)。在实现了事务能力后,基于Delta lake又可以构建一系列类似数仓的上层特性,因此可以说它是lakehouse的核心组件之一。 本篇文章是对《Delta Lake: HighPerformance ACID Table Storage over Clou...
The following code is not intended to be run as part of a Delta Live Tables pipeline: Copy SQL CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS cdc_data; CREATE TABLE cdc_data.users AS SELECT col1 AS userId, col2 AS name, col3 AS city, col4 AS operation, col5 AS sequenceNum FROM ( VALUES -- ...
REPLACE preserves the table history as well as granted privileges. Note Databricks strongly recommends using REPLACE instead of dropping and re-creating Delta Lake tables. EXTERNAL If specified, creates an external table. When creating an external table you must also provide a LOCATION clause. When ...
Thedbldatagenpackage is intended to be compatible with recent LTS versions of the Databricks runtime, including older LTS versions at least from 10.4 LTS and later. It also aims to be compatible with Delta Live Table runtimes, includingcurrentandpreview. ...
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