质谱流式(mass cytometry)可以在单细胞分辨率下可实现精细免疫细胞分群、细胞周期检测及揭示细胞内信号转导途径等,应用型J强! 质谱流式细胞技术继承了传统流式细胞仪的高速分析的特点,又具有质谱检测的高分辨能力,是流式细胞技术一个新的发展方向。 传统流式细胞技术和质谱流式细胞技术相比,主要有两点不同:1.标签系...
目前质谱流式细胞技术采用的仪器是CyTOF(Cytometry by Time-Of-Flight),其原理简单来说是利用质谱原理对单细胞进行多参数检测的流式技术,既继承了传统流式细胞仪的高速分析的特点,又具有质谱检测的高分辨能力。 CyTOF2 质谱流式(mass cytometry)可以在单细胞分辨率下可实现精细免疫细胞分群、细胞周期检测及揭示细胞内...
CyTOF®, or mass cytometry, uses molecularly tagged antibodies to detect and quantify specific cellular antigens, allowing for highly multiplexed assays. The SIgN Mass Cytometry facility houses a next-generation mass cytometer that employs a type of mass spectrometry approach known as Inductively Coupl...
Deep Profiling of the Immune System of Multiple Myeloma Patients Using Cytometry by Time-of-Flight (CyTOF) Mass cytometry has emerged as a new state-of-the-art technology that enables in-depth characterization of cellular populations and functions at a single ce... T Smets,F Stevenaert,H Adam...
Bringing immune profiling one step closer to clinics with cytometry by time-of-flight (CyTOF) Share on XShare on FacebookShare on LinkedinSend to a friendRefer a friendFavourite A meaningful understanding of the immune system during the disease course and response ...
To address this, we used cytometry time-of-flight (CyTOF) imaging mass cytometry (IMC) to simultaneously quantify the expression of 35 protein markers, characterizing the microenvironment of 5 benign nevi and 67 melanomas. We profiled more than 220,000 individual cells to identify melanoma, ...
cell signalingU NDERLYING P RINCIPLES OF I MAGING M ASS C YTOMETRYI N mass cytometry, single cells labeled with antibodies or other probes carrying ahigh mass tag undergo ionization in an inductively coupled plasma, with the ionsfrom each cell measured by time of flight (TOF) mass spectrome...