OSError: (External) Cuda error(101), invalid device ordinal. [Advise: Please searchforthe error code(101) on website( https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/archive/10.0/cuda-runtime-api/group__CUDART__TYPES.html#group__CUDART__TYPES_1g3f51e3575c2178246db0a94a430e0038 ) to get Nvidia's offici...
RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (101) : invalid device ordinal at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1595629427478/work/torch/csrc/cuda/Module.cpp:59 sorry. you should use --gpus=2,3 instead of CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3 with --gpus 2 ...
CUDA Error: invalid device ordinal darknet: ./src/cuda.c:36: check_error: Assertion `0' failed. Abandon (core dumped) Any Idea? 89dounercommentedMay 5, 2018 Help me jcleberre22! I have the same problem when I use "./darknet -i 0 imagenet test cfg/alexnet.cfg alexnet.weights" th...
This indicates that the device ordinal supplied by the user does not correspond to a valid CUDA device or that the action requested is invalid for the specified device. cudaErrorDeviceNotLicensed = 102 This indicates that the device doesn't have a valid Grid License. cudaErrorSoftwareValidity...
内容如下: cudaGetDeviceCount returned 101 -> invalid device ordinal Result = FAIL 返回值101,原因是不可用的设备序号,结果是运行失败 分享4赞 octane吧 柠檬胶带 NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 2070 使用OC显示 there is no CUDA device which is selected 是这款显卡不吃OC吗 分享91 nvidia吧 人口理論 感觉GPU 的硬件...
Location is a device location, thus id is a device ordinal CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_HOST = 0x2 Location is host, id is ignored CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_HOST_NUMA = 0x3 Location is a host NUMA node, thus id is a host NUMA node id CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_HOST_NUMA_CURRENT = 0x4 Locatio...
error 34:Invalid function result type 无效的函数结果类型 error 35:Label identifier expected 缺标号标识符 error 36:BEGIN expected 缺BEGIN error 37:END expected 缺END error 38:Integer expression expected 缺整型表达式 error 39:Ordinal expression expected 缺有序类型表达式 ...
建议将cudaDeviceSynchronize()函数放在cudaGetLastError()前(但不要用cudaDeviceSynchronize()直接替换掉cudaGetLastError(),有某些异常如cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration并不会在cudaDeviceSynchronize()中报错,而是在cudaGetLastError()中被返回)。 cudaErrorInvalidValue = 1,"invalid argument"...
我出错的场景:利用detectron2训练resnest101时出现次错误,是在训练的开始并不是训练过程中出现的, 我使用的项目代码是GitHub上大佬自己更改detectron2的代码使其可以训练resnest101,因为原始的detectron2框架好像跟resnest模型并不兼容。 以下是大佬的训练项目代码: ...
参见 cudaGetDevice,cudaSetDevice,cudaGetDeviceProperties ,cudaChooseDevice 3 1.1.2 cudaSetDevice 名称 cudaSetDevice – 设置设备以供GPU执行使用 概要 cudaError_t cudaSetDevice(int dev) 说明 将dev记录为活动主线程将执行设备码的设备。 返回值 相关返回值: cudaSuccess cudaErrorInvalidDevice 注意,如果之前是异步...