Genomic DNA obtained with the CTAB-PEG method had high integrity, with average fragment size >30 kb, the concentration higher than 100 ng/渭L, and the yield more than 30 渭g/g. Presented technique is suitable for DNA extraction from fungi, bacteria, archaea or even mollusks with high ...
DNA提取方法 1. The method of DNA effective and quick means for DNA extraction of Taxol producing fungi; 一种适合抗癌药紫杉醇产生菌AFLP分析的DNA提取方法 2. DNA in six related species in Sorghum was isolated by using four methods including CTAB, SDS, CTAB-SDS and TaKaRa DNA extraction kit ...
昊鑫生物 CTAB植物基因组DNA快速提取试剂盒使用说明书
Although all samples were PCR-amplified with success, one sample (2), which presented the darkest DNA solution, needed to be highly diluted in order to be PCR-amplified. Discussion The extraction of DNA from fungi has sometimes been notoriously difficult. Fungi often produce polysaccharides and a...
提 取的基因组DNA可用于基因组文库构建、PCR等分子生物学实验。 关键词 CTAB DNA提取 多糖去除 中图分类号 Q89 齐整小核菌(Sclerotiumrolfsii)是一种土壤植物病 原真菌,能导致农业和园林作物患白绢病⋯。但该菌 在工业上用来大量生产硬葡聚糖。硬葡聚糖是一种中 性的水溶性多聚物,主链由8—1,3-D一吡喃葡萄...
DNA and RNA quantity and quality based on sample storage periods The quality of DNA and RNA was found to decrease as sample storage time increased. All extraction methods yielded significant DNA and RNA from fresh leaf samples, but they were of poor quality in 8- and 26 month-old herbarium...
Genomic DNA obtained with the CTAB-PEG method had high integrity, with average fragment size >30 kb, the concentration higher than 100 ng/渭L, and the yield more than 30 渭g/g. Presented technique is suitable for DNA extraction from fungi, bacteria, archaea or even mollusks with high ...
CTAB is mainly used in extraction of DNA from plants species. Here we have used CTAB for DNA extraction not only from plants but various other samples like FUNGI, ALGAE, BACTERIA, and HUMAN BLOOD. In this paper, not only isolation is performed from various samples but also an optimized...
Extracting pure high-molecular weight DNA from fungi is often difficult due to the presence of polysaccharides and potentially other compounds, which biochemically mimic DNA or interfere with the DNA extraction process. Such compounds can co-elute with DNA in many extraction methods, making them ...
DNAFUNGIPOLYSACCHARIDESPRECIPITATION (Chemistry)TUBESPROTEINASESPARAGRAPHSMolecular Biology - The original article can be found online at DOI: 10.1134/S0026893318040088 Page 622, in Reagents and Solutions should read 20 mg/mLproteinase K; Page 622, in Reagents and......