DNA Extraction· DNA Extraction from Bacteria (Julie B. Wolf,UMBC)Phenol/chloroform method·&n 2019-05-19 01:27 News WIKI 相关搜索 核酸抽提经验及原理 1、核酸抽提原理 简单地讲,核酸抽提包含样品的裂解和纯化两大步骤。裂解是使样品中的核酸游离在裂解体系中的过程,纯化则是使核酸与裂解体系中的其它成分...
Genomic DNA obtained with the CTAB-PEG method had high integrity, with average fragment size >30 kb, the concentration higher than 100 ng/渭L, and the yield more than 30 渭g/g. Presented technique is suitable for DNA extraction from fungi, bacteria, archaea or even mollusks with high ...
CTAB法小量制备植物基因组DNA 【原理】 CTAB分离DNA的方法最初用于细菌,后来经修改用于从植物中获取DNA。CTAB(即十六烷基三乙基溴化铵)是一种阳离子去污剂。CTAB可与核酸形成复合物,该复合物仅溶于高盐溶液。此外,CTAB可十分有效地促进DNA和RNA与多糖的分离并去除多糖。可通过提高NaCl的浓度和沉淀核酸去除CTAB。
因此,CTAB可以用于从大量产生粘多糖的有机体如植物以及某些革兰氏阴性菌(包括E.coli的某些株)中制备纯化DNA。 英文名称:CTAB 有效期:3年 CAS:57-09-0 分子式:CH3(CH2)15N(Br)(CH3)3 分子量:364.45 别名:溴代十六烷基三甲胺;鲸蜡烷三甲基溴化铵;Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide;Cetrimonium bromide;Cetrimide;...
Small-scale Preparation of Plant Genomic DNA Using CTABPrinciple The CTAB method of DNA isolation was initially used in bacteria and 6、later modified to obtain DNA from plants. CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) is one of cationic detergents. CTAB forms a complex with nucleic acids, and ...
[9], begomoviruses from jute and other mucilaginous crops [11], diverse plant pathogens (RNA and DNA viruses, viroids, phytoplasmas, and bacteria) that infects plants host such as sweet potato, small fruits, and fruit trees [12], viroids, DNA and RNA viruses in tomato, potato, and ...
18、ngofnitrobacteriapopulationsinsoilbyPCRJAppliedandEnvironmentalMi-1995,61:20932098crobiology,9MoreMI,HerrickJB,SilvaMC,etalQuantitativecellanaly-sisofindigenousmicroorganismsandrapidextractionofmicrobialJAppliedandEnvironmentalMicrobiolo-DNAfromsedimentgy,1994,60:1572158010MarchesiJR,WeightmanAJ,Cra 19、ggBA,etal...
CTAB is mainly used in extraction of DNA from plants species. Here we have used CTAB for DNA extraction not only from plants but various other samples like FUNGI, ALGAE, BACTERIA, and HUMAN BLOOD. In this paper, not only isolation is performed from various samples but also an optimized...
Genomic DNA obtained with the CTAB-PEG method had high integrity, with average fragment size >30 kb, the concentration higher than 100 ng/渭L, and the yield more than 30 渭g/g. Presented technique is suitable for DNA extraction from fungi, bacteria, archaea or even mollusks with high ...