Figure 2.Workflow for lentiviral pooled screening.A Cas9-expressing stable cell line is generated with LentiArray Lentiviral Cas9 Nuclease using selection for blasticidin resistance. These Cas9-expressing cells are then transduced with the LentiPool sgRNA library at the appropriate MOI and undergo select...
LentiPool CRISPR Libraries empower CRISPR-Cas9 screening without the need for high-throughput infrastructure. These high-quality pooled lentiviral libraries cover the same gene targets as our LentiArray libraries and are delivered as ready-to-use high-titer (>1 x 108 TU/mL...
CRISPR Screening(CRISPR筛选)是一种基于CRISPR-Cas9技术的基因编辑方法,用于高效地筛选和研究细胞中特定基因的功能。这种方法通过在细胞中引入特定的基因突变,来观察这些突变对细胞行为或表型的影响,从而揭示基因的功能和作用机制。 随着该领域研究的不...
在本研究中,作者利用CRISPR-cas9在内的多种生物信息学工具识别了与Hippo信号通路相关的基因及其对癌症风险的潜在影响。具体研究如下:本文的亮点是使用了Depmap数据库的CRISPR-cas9 screening data,得到的基因是与细胞增殖显著相关的基因,与直接用Hippo通路效果更好。其他的分析则都很普通。结合Depmap数据库进行生信分析...
[3] Picco G, Chen ED, Alonso LG, et al. Functional linkage of gene fusions to cancer cell fitness assessed by pharmacological and CRISPR-Cas9 screening. Nat Commun, 2019, 10: 2198. [4] Xu SW, Zhan M, Jiang C, et al. Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies ELP5 as a determinant of ...
CRIPSR/Cas9 Screening by GeCKO-V2 1. 评估GeCKO-V2质粒文库的好坏 样本比对信息统计表 gRNA的read count 分布图 均一性斜率图 2 利用MageCK分析CRISPR文库筛选数据 下载CRIPSR-Screening library list 合并双端测序fastq文件 计算样本中gRNA的均一化counts ...
CRISPR screening技术 一、CRISPR 全称:Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats【成簇的有规律的间隔短回文重复】 cas蛋白具有解旋酶活性,可以将DNA链解旋,同时具有核酸酶活性,可以切割DNA链;CRISPR/Cas 系统可以识别出外源 DNA,并将它们切断,沉默外源基因的表达。CRISPR/Cas9 利用一段小 RNA 来识别并...
What is CRISPR screening? The CRISPR-Cas9 technology uses the Cas9 enzyme and guide RNA to edit the genome at a particular point. There are three different mechanisms we use: the most common is CRISPR KO (knockout) which completely inactivates a gene. The other two either activate (CRISPRa...
(Genome-Wide CRISPR/Cas9 Screening for High-Throughput Functional Genomics in Human Cells) 简单说就是利用CRISPR/Cas9技术对人类的基因组(23对染色体上的全部基因,大约两万个)进行筛查,看看这些基因到底有哪些功能。 这几年来,CRISPR 筛选被广泛用来深入研究各种模型的分子机制,包括生物体的正常生长发育和疾病模型...