基因名 Pdgfra 基因曾用名 CD140a; Pdgfr-2; AI115593 NCBI ID 18595 MGI ID 97530 Ensembl ID ENSMUSG00000029231 Pubmed Pdgfra 人类同源基因 PDGFRA 品系描述 将CreERT2插入到小鼠Pdgfra基因起始密码子处。 应用领域:Cre工具鼠 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Pdgfra-CreERT2 mice (Cat. NO. NM-KI-225036)...
而另一种LBD 突变体融合蛋白被证明对4-OHT 具有远高于Cre-ERT 的敏感性,这种突变体就是大名鼎鼎的Cre-ERT2。它带有人ER LBD 中的3 个点突变:C400V/M453A/L544A。 图6. Tamoxifen 诱导Cre 作用示意图。(图片来自Inducible CreMice. Methods in Molecular Biology 530:343-63 February 2009)。
Administer tamoxifen via intraperitoneal injection (using an ACUC approved injection procedure) once every 24 hours for a total of 5 consecutive days. As a safeguard, sanitize injection site with 70% ethanol prior to injection. Following the final injection, mice should be quarantined for 24 hours ...
J.B., Han, Y., Nanda, V., Lyu, Q., Doukas, M., Stoop, H. et al. (2017) Loss of LMOD1 impairs smooth muscle cytocontractility and causes megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome in humans and mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114, E2739-E2747. ...
Cuervo H, Pereira B, Nadeem T, Lin M, Lee F, Kitajewski J, et al. PDGFRbeta- P2A-CreERT2 mice: a genetic tool to target pericytes in angiogenesis. Angiogenesis (2017) 20:655-62. doi: 10.1007/s10456-017-9570-9
参考文献:Feil S, Valtcheva N, Feil R. Inducible Cre mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;530:343-63. doi: 10.1007/978-1-59745-471-1_18. PMID: 19266339.
(CX3CR1) is a Gαi-coupled seven-transmembrane protein exclusively expressed in the mononuclear phagocyte system including microglia, as well as intestinal and kidney macrophages.Cx3cr1CreERT2mice express Cre recombinase in a tamoxifen-inducible manner and have been widely used to delete target ...
分装,避光,-20度冻存 备注: 1. Do not house the tamoxifen-treated mice together with vehicle-treated or untreated animals in the same cage. 2. 给药期间小鼠体重减轻,停药后会恢复。 3. 观察到雄性小鼠给药后,外观睾丸增大。 4. 小鼠体内各组织诱导效率有所差异,通常上调约2.5-3倍©...
Brosens, E., Verheij, J.B., Han, Y., Nanda, V., Lyu, Q., Doukas, M., Stoop, H. et al. (2017) Loss of LMOD1 impairs smooth muscle cytocontractility and causes megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsi...
By breeding with tdTomato reporter mice and initiating Cre activity through tamoxifen induction at distinct developmental time points, we show the Tfap2b lineage within the key neural crest-derived domains, such as the facial mesenchyme, midbrain, cerebellum, spinal cord, and limbs. Notably, the ...