HIVE:CREATE TABLE AS SELECT 命令无法指定目标表的列列表 1 hadoop hive 我怎样才能做到这一点?hive> desc temp; OK a int b int Time taken: 0.077 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 我想创建列名为 c 和 d 的 t2 HIVE 表,但出现以下错误。
crtTblDesc = new CreateTableDesc(); qb.setTableDesc(crtTblDesc); return selectStmt; // CTAS返回查询子节点。 } return null; //普通的CREATE_TABLE或者CTLT,返回null } create table tablePartition(s string) partitioned by(pt string); hive> explain create table tablePartition(s string) partition...
方法名称无效:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.hive.altertable(hive)中的“alter\u table\u with\u cascade”。java:500)在org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.hive.altertable(hive。java:484)在org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.hive.loadtable(hive。java:1668)位于sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl...
一般都会使用 create table as select(简称:CTAS)...简单方便,但是需要注意CTAS建表产生的问题,因为CTAS建表并不一定会保存原表样式。 1.创建一个分区表 CREATE TABLE T_DEDUCT_SIGN_D( id bigint COMMENT '主键ID', sign_no string COMMENT '签约协议号', bp_no string COMMENT '商户号' )COMMENT '代扣...
If I run the following command via impala-shell: create table test as select 1; The following error is returned: WARNINGS: Failed to open HDFS file for writing: hdfs://[DNhostname]:8020/user/hive/warehouse/test/_impala_insert_staging/[...]/[...].0. Error(255): Unknown...
create table tuser_copy row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile as select * from hi_tuser_txt ; hive> > create table tuser_copy > row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n' > stored as textfile as ...
Code of Conduct I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct Search before asking I have searched in the issues and found no similar issues. Describe the bug create table failed if the partition column is not last column. could be re...
The command sets the currently active database. Step 3: Create a Table in Hive A database does not contain any tables after creation. To create a table, use the following reference: CREATE TABLE [table_name] ( [column_1] [type], ...
一些预定义的表属性也存在,比如last_modified_user和last_modified_time,它们是由Hive自动添加和管理的。【参见示例1】 代码语言:javascript 复制 1 # 示例1 2 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> create table t_sz05 (id int, name string) tblproperties ('key001'='value1', 'key200'='value200'); #...