oracle下直接(创建表) create table newtablename as select * from oldtablename sqlserver的语法是(自动创建表) : select ... oracle数据库【表复制】insert into select from跟create table as select * from 两种表复制语句区别 create table as select * from和insert into select from两种表复制语句区...
-- 基本CTAS create table if not exists student_ctas as with new_tb as (select * from student where money<5000) select * from new_tb; -- 上面的语句等价于下面这个 create table student_ctas_test like student; with new_tb as (select * from student where money<5000) insert into student_...
直接将select的结果存成表:create table XX as select INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ..SELECT:新表预先存在 hive> FROM records2 > INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE stations_by_year SELECT year, COUNT(DISTINCT station) GROUP BY year > INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE records_by_year SELECT year, COUNT(1) GROUP BY year > I...
createtablesub_studentasselect*fromt_student; 使用create table ... as select ...语句来创建新表sub_student,此时sub_student 表的结构及表数据与 t_student 表一模一样,相当于直接将 t_student 的表结构和表数据复制一份到 sub_student 表。 注意: (1). select 中选取的列名(如果是 * 则表示选取所有...
(property_name=property_value,...)]--(Note:AvailableinHive0.6.0and later)[ASselect_statement];--(Note:AvailableinHive0.5.0and later;not supportedforexternal tables)CREATE[TEMPORARY][EXTERNAL]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS][db_name.]table_nameLIKEexisting_table_or_view_name[LOCATIONhdfs_path];data_type:...
懂,createtableXXasselectXX)创建表:hive> CREATE TABLE pokes (foo INT, bar STRING);Creates a table called pokes with two columns, the first being an integer and the other a string 创建⼀个新表,结构与其他⼀样 hive> create table new_table like records;直接将select的结果存成表:create...
CREATE VIEW v_hive AS SELECT a,b FROM t_hive; 13.删表 drop table if exists t_hft; 14.创建分区表 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_hft; CREATE TABLE t_hft( SecurityID STRING, tradeTime STRING, PreClosePx DOUBLE ) PARTITIONED BY (tradeDate INT) ...
1. 使用create table语句创建表例子: 代码语言:javascript 复制 create tableifnot exists`t_student`(id int,s_name string,s_age int)partitionedby(date string)row format delimited fields terminated by'\t'; 2. 使用create table ... as select...语句创建表例子: ...
在实际情况中,表的输出结果可能太多,不适于显示在控制台上,这时候,将Hive的查询输出结果直接存在一个新的表中是非常方便的,我们称这种情况为CTAS(create table .. as select)如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 hive>create table test4>as>select id,name,tel>from wyp;hive>select*from test4;OK5wyp1131212121212...
[AS select_statement]; -- (Note: Available in Hive 0.5.0 and later; not supported for external tables) CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name LIKE existing_table_or_view_name [LOCATION hdfs_path]; ...