也可以通过load data local inpath ‘user/test.txt’ into table tableName,通过load命令加载数据与通过put命令加载文件的结果是一样的,即在user/hive/warehouse/tablename 目录下都会有加载进来的文件,如果用load命令加载的是hdfs上的文件则会将原hdfs目录下对应的文件移动至hive的仓库目录下),并将这些元数据保存到...
> row format delimited fields terminated by '/t' > stored as parquet; OK Time taken: 1.004 seconds hive (default)> insert into table log_parquet select * from log_text; //insert overwrite table log_parquet select * from log_text; hive (default)> dfs -du -h /user/hive/warehouse/log_...
--Use hive formatCREATETABLEstudent (idINT,nameSTRING, ageINT)STOREDASORC;--Use data from another tableCREATETABLEstudent_copySTOREDASORCASSELECT*FROMstudent;--Specify table comment and propertiesCREATETABLEstudent (idINT,nameSTRING, ageINT)COMMENT'this is a comment'STOREDAS...
ORC(OptimizedRC File)存储源自于RC(RecordColumnar File)这种存储格式,RC是一种列式存储引擎,对schema演化(修改schema需要重新生成数据)支持较差,而ORC是对RC改进,但它仍对schema演化支持较差,主要是在压缩编码,查询性能方面做了优化。RC/ORC最初是在Hive中得到使用,最后发展势头不错,独立成一个单独的项目。Hive 1...
LOCATION path [ WITH ( CREDENTIAL credential_name ) ] 儲存表格資料的目錄的選擇性路徑,此路徑可能在分散式儲存上。 path 必須是 STRING 常值。如果您未指定任何位置,數據表會被視為 managed table,而 Azure Databricks 會建立預設數據表位置。 指定位置會使資料表成為 外部數據表。 對於不在 hive_met...
-- Hive-style table creation with schema definitionCREATETABLEhive_table(idINT,name STRING)COMMENT'Hive format example'TBLPROPERTIES('created_by'='databricks'); In der obigen Abfrage fügt die KlauselCOMMENTbeschreibende Metadaten hinzu, währendTBLPROPERTIESbenutzerdefinierte Eigenschaften über die Tab...
LOCATION'/user/hive/warehouse/person_table'; struct 使用 createtablestudent_test(idINT, info struct<name:STRING, age:INT>)ROWFORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATEDBY','COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATEDBY':'; hdfs 中的文件数据格式大致是:即(struct 里面对应的分隔符是 collection items terminatedby指定的分隔符)...
create hive orc table Labels: Apache Hive joncodin Rising Star Created 05-08-2016 01:28 PM Im trying to create a table in hive with orc format and load this table with data that I have in a ".tbl" file. In the ".tbl" files each row have this format: 1|Customer#000000001|...
ORC HIVE LIBSVM a fully-qualified class name of a custom implementation of org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister. If you do not specify USING the format of the source table will be inherited. The following applies to: Databricks Runtime HIVE is supported to create a Hive SerDe tab...
how do i create hive orc table and how to load the data in same orc hive table using only sqoop import command? Labels: Apache Sqoop Former Member Created 10-31-2016 07:02 AM Reply 24,594 Views 3 Kudos 0 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION gkeys Guru Created 10-3...