IF NOT EXISTS 無法與 REPLACE 共存,這表示不允許 CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS。 table_name 要建立之數據表的名稱。 名稱不得包含 時態規格或選項規格。如果名稱不合格,則會在目前的架構中建立數據表。 hive_metastore 中建立的數據表只能包含英文字母與數字的 ASCII 字元和底線符號(INVALID_S...
To specify a database for the table, either issue theUSE database_namestatement prior to the CREATE TABLE statement (inHive 0.6and later) or qualify the table name with a database name ("database_name.table.name" inHive 0.7and later). The keyword "default" can be used for the default...
CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ... [constraint_specification])] [COMMENT table_comment] [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] # PARTITIONED 分割[CLUSTERED BY (col_name...
-- Hive-style table creation with schema definition CREATE TABLE hive_table ( id INT, name STRING ) COMMENT 'Hive format example' TBLPROPERTIES ('created_by' = 'databricks'); Powered By Na consulta acima, a cláusula COMMENT adiciona metadados descritivos, enquanto TBLPROPERTIES armazena propri...
-- Hive-style table creation with schema definitionCREATETABLEhive_table(idINT,name STRING)COMMENT'Hive format example'TBLPROPERTIES('created_by'='databricks'); Dans la requête ci-dessus, la clauseCOMMENTajoute des métadonnées descriptives tandis queTBLPROPERTIESstocke les propriétés personnalisées ...
create table sogou_bucket(uid string,keyword string) comment 'test' clustered by(uid) into 5 buckets row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; 1. 以上我们完成了桶表sogou_bucket的创建,注意,我们指定了5个桶。 插入数据 必须使用启动MapReduce作业的方式才能把文件顺利分桶,若使用load data local...
table_constraint 向Delta Lake 表添加信息性主键或信息性外键约束。 hive_metastore目录中的表不支持键约束。 若要向 Delta Lake 表添加 CHECK 约束,请使用ALTER TABLE。 USING data_source data_source可以是文件格式,也可以是联合 JDBC 数据源。 文件格式必须是以下之一: ...
[COMMENT 'table comment'] -- The materialized view comments. [PARTITIONED BY (<col_name> [, <col_name>, ...]) -- The partitions in the materialized view. This parameter is required when you create a partitioned materialized view. [CLUSTERED BY|RANGE CLUSTERED BY (<col_name> [, <col...
Oracle Database Concepts for information on temporary tables and "Creating a Table: Temporary Table Example" Restrictions on Temporary Tables Temporary tables are subject to the following restrictions: Temporary tables cannot be partitioned, clustered, or index organized. You cannot specify any foreign ...
Temporary tables cannot be partitioned, clustered, or index organized. You cannot specify any foreign key constraints on temporary tables. Temporary tables cannot contain columns of nested table. You cannot specify the following clauses of the LOB_storage_clause: TABLESPACE, storage_clause, or logg...