这样,在数据量很大的时候,hive支持读取多个文件载入,而不需要限定在唯一的文件中。 3. insert+select 这个是完全不同于文件操作的数据导入方式。官方指导为: Sql代码 1.Standard syntax: 2.INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tablename1 [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)] select_statement1 FROM from_st...
而且,表和分区都可以对某个列进行 CLUSTERED BY 操作,将若干个列放入一个桶(bucket)中。也可以利用SORT BY 对数据进行排序。这样可以为特定应用提高性能。 表名和列名不区分大小写,SerDe 和属性名区分大小写。表和列的注释是字符串。 Drop Table 删除一个内部表的同时会同时删除表的元数据和数据。删除一个外部...
IF NOT EXISTS 無法與 REPLACE 共存,這表示不允許 CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS。 table_name 要建立之數據表的名稱。 名稱不得包含 時態規格或選項規格。如果名稱不合格,則會在目前的架構中建立數據表。 hive_metastore 中建立的數據表只能包含英文字母與數字的 ASCII 字元和底線符號(INVALID_S...
clustered_by_clause Optionally cluster the table or each partition into a fixed number of hash buckets using a subset of the columns. Clustering is not supported for Delta Lake tables. CLUSTERED BY Specifies the set of columns by which to cluster each partition, or the table if no partitioning...
-- Create a table from files in a specific formatCREATETABLEsales_dataUSINGPARQUET LOCATION'/mnt/data/sales'; CREATE TABLE (Hive-Format) Diese Legacy-Syntax ähnelt dem Standard-SQL-BefehlCREATE TABLE, der bei der Definition einer Tabelle mit von Databricks verwalteten Metadaten verwendet wird,...
// 带有create的hivesql会执行下面的代码 // analyze create table command if (ast.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_CREATETABLE) { isCreateTable = true; // if it is not CTAS, we don't need to go further and just return
Create/Drop/Truncate Table Alter Table/Partition/Column Create/Drop/Alter View Create/Drop/Alter Index Create/Drop Function Create/Drop/Grant/Revoke Roles and Privileges Show Describe HCatalog and WebHCat DDL Overview HiveQL DDL statements are documented here, including: ...
Syntax create_table::= Description of the illustration create_table.eps (relational_table::=, object_table::=, XMLType_table::=) relational_table::= Description of the illustration relational_table.eps Note: Each of the clauses following the table name is optional for any given relation...
If the source table of a materialized view contains an empty partition, you can refresh the materialized view to generate an empty partition in the materialized view. Syntax CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS][project_name.]<mv_name> [LIFECYCLE <days>] -- The lifecycle of the materiali...
If you exceed the limit, you must drop a HADOOP table that contains a ROW or ARRAY defined as a column type. Each ARRAY or ROW type can be used in one of two ways, the SQL standard version, or the Hive version. The SQL standard version, which is displayed in the syntax, is the ...