给予他莫昔芬/ 4-羟基他莫昔芬后,会破坏 HSP90 与 CreER 的相互作用,使 CreER 进入细胞核,识别并切割 LoxP 位点间的 DNA 序列,从而实现条件性基因敲除[1]。为了提高他莫昔芬或 4-OHT 诱导的效率,在 CreERT 后产生 CreERT2,它在体内对 4-OHT 的敏感性约为 CreERT 的 10 倍。因此,CreERT2 在...
Doxycycline C57BL/6 tetO-Cre mice (TRE-Cre); 600 mg/kg Doxycycline-containing diet for 14 days[6]. 知识链接 Tamoxifen、四环素、多西环素均不溶于水,使用时注意使用助溶剂或超声助溶。 Tamoxifen 是 Cre-loxP 模型中最常用的化学诱导剂,不溶于水,一般溶于乙醇、玉米油或葵花籽油中使用,-20℃ 避光保...
使用JAX® Mice Database (JAX® 小鼠资源库)来进行搜索。您可以使用筛选框内Strain Attributes – Conditional ready (e.g. floxed) 条件 (图 5)。 图5. 使用 JAX® Mice Database (JAX® 小鼠资源库) 检索 Floxed 小鼠品系 • Cre 品系查找 您同样可以使用JAX® Mice Database (JAX® 小鼠资...
Hif1af/f; Foxl2-CreERT2 female mice (3 weeks); 100 mg/kg Tamoxifen (freshly dissolved in sunflower oil) intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) for 5 consecutive days[5]. Doxycycline(详情:http//www.medchemexpress.cn/doxycycline.html) C57BL/6 tetO-Cre mice (TRE-Cre); 600 mg/kg Doxycycline...
[5]The anterior cingulate cortex controls the hyperactivity in subthalamic neurons in male mice with comorbid chronic pain and depression 2024,《 PLOS Biology》,IF: 9.8 [6] Parvalbumin and somatostatin: biomarkers for two parallel tecto...
[5]The anterior cingulate cortex controls the hyperactivity in subthalamic neurons in male mice with comorbid chronic pain and depression2024,《 PLOS Biology》,IF: 9.8[6] Parvalbumin and somatostatin: biomarkers for two parallel tectothalamic pathways in the auditory midbrain2024,《Journal of ...
[8] Feil S, Valtcheva N, Feil R. Inducible Cre mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;530:343-63. [9] Jahn HM, et al. Refined protocols of tamoxifen injection for inducible DNA recombination in mouse astroglia. Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 12;8(1):5913....
Optimized Cre:Codon-optimized Cre (iCre) is expressed at higher levels in mice than P1 bacteriophage Cre, facilitating high rates of Cre-driven recombination. CREM (or Cre-M) has been engineered to contain an intron, preventing Cre expression when cloning in E. coli. This alteration enables ...
Hif1af/f; Foxl2-CreERT2 female mice (3 weeks); 100 mg/kg Tamoxifen (freshly dissolved in sunflower oil) intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) for 5 consecutive days[5]. Doxycycline(详情:http//www.medchemexpress.cn/doxycycline.html) C57BL/6 tetO-Cre mice (TRE-Cre); 600 mg/kg Doxycycline...
[8] Feil S, Valtcheva N, Feil R. Inducible Cre mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;530:343-63. [9] Jahn HM, et al. Refined protocols of tamoxifen injection for inducible DNA recombination in mouse astroglia. Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 12;8(1):5913....