Tronche F, Casanova E, Turiault M, Sahly I, Kellendonk C. When reversegenetics meets physiology: the use of site-specific recombinases in mice. FEBSLett. 2002;529(1):116‐121. doi:10.1016/s0014-5793(02)03266-0 Magnuson M , Osipovich A . Pancreas-Specific Cre Driver Lines and Conside...
Duffield JS, Humphreys BD. Origin of new cells in the adult kidney:results from genetic labeling techniques. Kidney Int.2011;79(5):494‐501. doi:10.1038/ki.2010.338 Feil S, Valtcheva N, Feil R. Inducible Cre mice. Methods MolBiol. 2009;530:343‐363....
使用JAX® Mice Database(JAX®小鼠资源库)来进行搜索。您可以使用筛选框内Strain Attributes – Conditional ready (e.g. floxed)条件(如图5)。 图5:使用JAX® Mice Database(JAX®小鼠资源库)检索Floxed小鼠品系 Cre品系查找 您同样可以使用JAX® Mice Database(JAX®小鼠资...
Tronche F, Casanova E, Turiault M, Sahly I, Kellendonk C. When reversegenetics meets physiology: the use of site-specific recombinases in mice. FEBSLett. 2002;529(1):116‐121. doi:10.1016/s0014-5793(02)03266-0 Magnuson M , Osipovich A . Pancreas-Specific Cre Driver Lines and Conside...
Tronche F, Casanova E, Turiault M, Sahly I, Kellendonk C. When reversegenetics meets physiology: the use of site-specific recombinases in mice. FEBSLett. 2002;529(1):116‐121. doi:10.1016/s0014-5793(02)03266-0 Magnuson M , Osipovich A . Pancreas-Specific Cre Driver Lines and Conside...
您同样可以使用JAX® Mice Database(JAX®小鼠资源库),通过关键词来搜索cre表达的品系。搜索时,在左侧筛选框中选择➡️“Cre Expressing”即可。 除此以外,在JAX®的常用Cre小鼠目录中提供了多种在不同组织中已经验证过特异表达的Cre小鼠,您可以在该网页中寻找您想要的特定组织...
Tronche F, Casanova E, Turiault M, Sahly I, Kellendonk C. When reversegenetics meets physiology: the use of site-specific recombinases in mice. FEBSLett. 2002;529(1):116‐121. doi:10.1016/s0014-5793(02)03266-0 Magnuson M , Osipovich A . Pancreas-Specific Cre Driver Lines and Conside... 如果清楚了解所有这些步骤,则如上所述(步骤3)引入完整敲除等位基因或许可以提高他莫昔芬依赖性重组效率。 自发性Cre表型 Cre可能会自行产生表型,这会使数据解释变得更加困难。 造成这种情况的原因可能是Cre转基因插入位点对附近内源基因有影响。
Click on the link below to look for your KO and cKO mice Cyagen Knockout Catalog Models 1. What is the Cre-Lox System? There are two main parts of the Cre-Lox system, both of which have been adapted from the P1 bacteriophage: Cre Recombinase Cyclization recombinase (Cre) is one of ...
Cre Lox Breeding for Beginners, Part 1 | JAX Mice and Clinical Research Services 简单地说,Cre/lox系统棒极了。它是小鼠遗传学家工具箱中最强大的工具之一。为什么呢?它使它们能够产生组织特异性的和可诱导的基因敲除,从而对基因表达的位置和时间有精确的控制。当在任何地方删除某个基因或在发育过程中导致胚胎...