而另一种LBD 突变体融合蛋白被证明对4-OHT 具有远高于Cre-ERT 的敏感性,这种突变体就是大名鼎鼎的Cre-ERT2。它带有人ER LBD 中的3 个点突变:C400V/M453A/L544A。 图6. Tamoxifen 诱导Cre 作用示意图。(图片来自Inducible CreMice. Methods in Molecular Biology 530:343-63 February 2009)。
CD68 品系描述 将IRES-CreERT2插入到小鼠Cd68基因终止密码子处。 应用领域:Cre工具鼠 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Cd68-IRES-CreERT2 mice (Cat. NO. NM-KI-200162) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 你也可能感兴趣
Determine injection dose by weight, using approximately 75mg/kg body weight. For adult mice, a standard dose of 100ul tamoxifen/corn oil solution is effective for inducing recombination. Administer tamoxifen via intraperitoneal injection (using an ACUC approved injection procedure) once every 24 hours...
最后,不同的实验方案、不同的小鼠品系、不同的组织器官等对于给药剂量、给药频率和给药方式等的要求往往是不同的,因此,上述方法只是一个参考,面对具体实验时,同学们还应根据参考文献、实验经验先进行预实验,以确定最佳方案。 参考文献:Feil S, Valtcheva N, Feil R. Inducible Cre mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2...
Brosens, E., Verheij, J.B., Han, Y., Nanda, V., Lyu, Q., Doukas, M., Stoop, H. et al. (2017) Loss of LMOD1 impairs smooth muscle cytocontractility and causes megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsi...
详情请登录 http://www.modelorg.com/mice.html 查看。 Epcam-(CreERT2),Epcam-(CreERT2) Epcam-(CreERT2)信息由上海南方模式生物科技股份有限公司 为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Epcam-(CreERT2)报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。 注:该产品未在中华人民共和国食品药品监督管理部门申请医疗器械...
As a proof of principle, we used our newly generated driver to delete Notch signaling in perivascular cells and observed a loss of smooth muscle cells in retinal arteries, consistent with previously published studies evaluating Notch3 null mice. We conclude that the PDGFR尾-P2A-CreERT2 line is...
分装,避光,-20度冻存 备注: 1. Do not house the tamoxifen-treated mice together with vehicle-treated or untreated animals in the same cage. 2. 给药期间小鼠体重减轻,停药后会恢复。 3. 观察到雄性小鼠给药后,外观睾丸增大。 4. 小鼠体内各组织诱导效率有所差异,通常上调约2.5-3倍©...
(CX3CR1) is a Gαi-coupled seven-transmembrane protein exclusively expressed in the mononuclear phagocyte system including microglia, as well as intestinal and kidney macrophages.Cx3cr1CreERT2mice express Cre recombinase in a tamoxifen-inducible manner and have been widely used to delete target ...
E., Verheij, J.B., Han, Y., Nanda, V., Lyu, Q., Doukas, M., Stoop, H. et al. (2017) Loss of LMOD1 impairs smooth muscle cytocontractility and causes megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome...