nginx连接fastcgi的方式默认是http方式的,在linux还有一种速度更快的方法就是通过unix domain socket来完成,下面介绍这种方法: 首先建立/tmp/php-cgi.sock文件,touch /tmp/php-cgi.sock#将文件所有者和用户组更改为属于nginx的用户组sudo chownnginx.nginx/tmp/php-cgi.sock修改/etc/nginx/nginx.conf中的: # fast...
使用SocketServer时,如何解决较高概率接收不到 client.on("message", (value: SocketInfo) 中的回调问题 如何判断使用的是移动蜂窝网络 如何监听网络变化 http请求如何以表单形式进行传输 如何实现http长连接 如何实现http并行下载 udp协议是否有提供框架 udp服务信号是如何发送和接收 request和requestInStrea...
Describe the feature request Currently, we are unable to configure the Unix Domain Socket (UDS) to send tracing spans to Datadog. This limitation arises from the DataDogAddress function which only accepts values in the host:port format. ...
host: the hostname or IP address to be used on the connection. port: the port to be used in a TCP connection. socket: the socket file name to be used on a connection through unix sockets. schema: the schema to be selected once the connection is done. ...
Note: Depending on the environment, the Unix domain or the optional connect timeout may not be available. Warning UDP sockets will sometimes appear to have opened without an error, even if the remote host is unreachable. The error will only become apparent when you read or write data to...
使用SocketServer时,如何解决较高概率接收不到 client.on("message", (value: SocketInfo) 中的回调问题 如何判断使用的是移动蜂窝网络 如何监听网络变化 http请求如何以表单形式进行传输 如何实现http长连接 如何实现http并行下载 udp协议是否有提供框架 udp服务信号是如何发送和接收 request和requestInStrea...
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: A unix domain socket connection requires epoll or kqueue and neither is available 出现这个错误,首先确保自己的操作系统是否支持ep
The pipe_name value is the named pipe name, just as for the --socket option of MySQL clients such as mysql and mysqladmin running on Windows (see Connecting to the MySQL Server Using Command Options). unix://path_name This URL format enables use of Unix domain socket files for ...
Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running or the directory for the Unix-domain socket. If the host name is omitted, gsql connects to the server of the local host over the Unix domain socket or over TCP/IP to connect to the local host without the Unix domai...
class UnixDomainSocketConnection(Connection): description_format = "UnixDomainSocketConnection<path=%(path)s,db=%(db)s>" def __init__(self, path='', db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='strict', decode_responses=False, ...