Here are the top NPS scores from large companies. Find 100s of the highest Net Promoter Scores from companies with high NPS scores in this round up.
Another common weakness among companies with lowNPS scoresis bad service.In aTemkin Group NPS Benchmark Survey, Comcast TV earned the lowest NPS both in its service category and overall – a score of -17.Four years in a row, the provider did not leave the negative end of the NPS scale....
Our cargo team finished the year with an industry leading Net Promoter Score (NPS) score of 66, carried more than 227m tonnes and contributed revenues of £214m. This was 4% less than in 2018, due to the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit, decline in the value of Sterling and softening...
Bank Account details and Nomination / Opt. out by holders of physical securities. Also, email ID is required to be registered with the Folio in order to correspond. Folios wherein any one of the cited details are not available on or after October 01, 2023, shall be frozen by the Registra...