1 安装conda后取消命令行前出现的base,取消每次启动自动激活conda的基础环境。 (1) 通过将auto_activate_base参数设置为false实现: conda config --set auto_activate_base false (2)那要进入的话通过conda activate base(3)如果反悔了还是希望base一直留着的话通过conda config --set auto_activate_base true来...
查看所有虚拟环境: conda env list 或 conda info --envs FAQ zsh: command not found: conda conda 安装的时候默认把环境变量加入到 bash 中,没有加入到 zsh 中,因此需要在 zsh 加入 conda 的环境变量。常见的回答会告诉你在~/.zshrc中加入export PATH="pathtoconda/bin:$PATH",这种办法或许可以解决这个问...
install Installs a list of packages into a specified conda environment. update Updates conda packages to the latest compatible version. This command accepts a list of package names and updates them to the latest versions that are compatible with all other packages in the environment. Conda attempts...
conda install fiona However, the following error appears: conda is not recognized as an internal command How to adjust this? If I dopip install fiona, then it works. What could be this error of not working the commandconda. My system is Windows....
问题描述:Ubuntu下安装Anaconda2-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh之后重启,conda命令不识别 分析:首先,Anaconda提供了包管理和虚拟环境管理功能,可以方便地解决多版本python共存、切换以及第三方包安装问题。回归正题,安装完了不识别,推测是路径没有加入到环境变量PATH中。 解决方法: 1.编辑文件: sudo gedit etc/profile&.....
But when I try to use the solution i keep getting the same error I also tried conda update anconda same error I tried adding -c conda-forge to all of the commands without any change. I am using ubuntu 18 latest and updated Author ...
I am in ubuntu, I created an environment with conda and then I run the installation for poetry, but after that I got that message? poetry: command not found albertotonoaddedkind/bugSomething isn't working as expectedstatus/triageThis issue needs to be triagedlabelsOct 28, 2020 ...
265 How can I run Conda? 57 conda command will prompt error: "Bad Interpreter: No such file or directory" 4 Bash script to install conda leads to "conda: command not found" unless I run `bash` at the command line afterwards 2 SSH and conda: Command not found or (re)-configura...
一、检查是否安装了conda 找到Anaconda文件夹——bin文件夹,查看里面是否有conda,如果没有: 直接 pip install conda 二、文件夹有conda,但是显示zsh:command not find:conda 这时需要修改.zshrc这个文件中的路径。 .zshrc是什么 :The individual per-interactive-shell startup file ...