# 创建名为my_paddlenlp的环境,指定Python版本为3.7conda create-n my_paddlenlp python=3.7# 进入my_paddlenlp环境 conda activate my_paddlenlp # 安装PaddleNLP pipinstall--upgrade paddlenlp==2.1.0-i https://pypi.org/simple# 也可以用conda install安装 condainstall-c huggingface transformers # 退出虚拟...
conda install $package_name --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda #这里的conda-forge和bioconda都是conda通道 安装另一个软件管理器pip: conda install pip 安装某个版本的Python: condainstall python=x.x 更新某个环境里的一个软件包: conda update --name $environment_name $package_name 更新软件包管...
conda install –name <env_name> <package_name> 注意: <env_name>即将包安装的指定环境名。环境名两边不加尖括号“<>”。 <package_name>即要安装的包名。包名两边不加尖括号“<>”。 例如:conda install –name python2 pandas即在名为“python2”的环境中安装pandas包。 ② 在当前环境中安装包 conda i...
Anaconda3-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh: line 353: bunzip2: command not found tar: This does not look like a tar archive tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors yum install -y bzip2 1. 1 使用 创建一个名称为python3.6,python版本为3.6.8的环境 conda create -n spider python=3.6 ...
after the git config command. Writestotheuser.condarc file (/home/pengjianxiang/.condarc)bydefault.createCreateanewconda environmentfroma listofspecified packages. help Displays a listofavailable conda commandsandtheir help strings. info Display information aboutcurrentconda install. ...
{sys.executable} -m pip install numpy -y To use the Conda installer (via the conda command) from a Jupyter Notebook located in the current kernel, use this command in a code cell: Python Copy import sys ! {sys.prefix}/bin/conda install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} numpy ...
command accepts a list of package names and updates them to the latest versions that are compatible with all other packages in the environment. Conda attempts to install the newest versions of the requested packages. To accomplish this, it may update some packages that are already installed, ...
1、安装conda虚拟环境 推荐安装,因为使用conda虚拟环境可以避免将python和webui的依赖包影响系统中已经有的包,即使环境错误也可以直接换一个虚拟环境重新开始,不用重装系统。 (1)将网盘中的conda安装脚本放到服务器(或linux系统)中,并执行 bashMiniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh ...
conda info --envs 安装Astropy 和 IRAF https://faculty1.coloradocollege.edu/~sburns/courses/18-19/pc362/Anaconda_IRAF_install.html 步骤 换源 conda添加源 # 附更换清华镜像源的方式:conda config--addchannels http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/conda config--addchannels http...
conda create -n my_env -c conda-forge 'python[build=*cpython]=3.9' nomkl numpy pandas flask conda-pack libzlib=1.3.1 Could you let us know if that works for you? Also have you used pypy in your conda install recently? I'm curious why the solver is preferring that version of Pyth...