直接去到Anaconda的官网,找到下载地址,点击Download按钮,然后找到页面最下方的下载部分。 我们可以看到Anaconda提供了两种安装方式,一种是带有图形界面的安装方式Graphical Installer,另一种是 以命令行的方式Command Line Installer安装。 我们选择64-Bit Graphical Installer使用图形界面的方式来安装,点击下载。 安装步骤(基...
直接去到Anaconda的官网,找到[下载地址]www.anaconda.com/products/individual,点击Download按钮,然后找到页面最下方的下载部分。 我们可以看到Anaconda提供了两种安装方式,一种是带有图形界面的安装方式Graphical Installer,另一种是 以命令行的方式Command Line Installer安装。 我们选择64-Bit Graphical Installer使用图形界面...
Config files specified by$CONDARC:$CONDARC指向的配置文件优先级高于其他配置文件 Command line parameter:通过conda config --set命令进行配置的优先级高于配置文件 Environment variables:通过环境变量进行配置的优先级最高 Conda Config Precedence 常用配置 配置镜像源 以清华的镜像源为例: channels:-defaults # 使用 ...
我正在尝试在一台高性能计算机(HPC)上使用dask-jobqueue。dask-jobqueue here的文档,我正在尝试使用以下代码将dask-jobqueue安装在HPC中的Jupyter Notebook的一个实例上: install dask-jobqueue -c conda-forge但是我得到了以下错误: File "<ipython-input-10-cad837f248c1>", line 1 install dask-jobqueue -c...
Example: conda --no-plugins install <package> Alternatively, you can set the CONDA_NO_PLUGINS environment variable on the command line to run the command without plugins enabled. Example: CONDA_NO_PLUGINS=true conda install <package> Upload did not complete. 解决办法: 清除conda缓存:有时候,con...
md5sum mismatch of tar archive expected: aab2f6c05eb7dc95b0d2f1c28c8590d8 got: f50cb11af9770da4ee16b17552ceb34d Unpacking payload ... Please run using "bash"/"dash"/"sh"/"zsh", but not "." or "source". /Users/ramin/miniconda3/_conda: line 15: return: can only `return' from...
Usage: conda-env-lcm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... ADB-S Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage persistence of conda environments Options: -v, --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Delete a saved conda environment ...
Miniconda install: curl -Ohttps://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-arm64.shsh Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-arm64.sh one line config command for arm64 : Apple Silicon: echo -e '# >>> anaconda conda config >>> \nPATH="$HOME/miniconda3]/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc && so...
You can also install packages into a previously created environment. To do this, you can either activate the environment you want to modify or specify the environment name on the command line: # via environment activation conda activate myenvironment conda install matplotlib # via command line opti...
All the conda commands should work properly likeconda installshould install the packages. Environment Information `conda info` `conda config --show-sources` `conda list --show-channel-urls` Howeverconda inspect condacommand is throwing some errors as follows: ...